Chapter 2

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Where the story is starting/time skips



Chapter 2

Tsuna P.O.V

After she left Reborn

I was walking thinking if I should've left mom with that man or not it didn't seem like he was going to do anything to mom. I was stopped from further contemplating when I bumped into someone falling on my butt my glasses fell off i should've paid more attention i quickly grab my glasses and was about to apologize when a hand popped in front of me looking at who it was I recognized her it was Sasagawa Kyoko the school idol I look at her hand before grabbing her hand and pushing my self up

"(1)Arigatou Sasagawa-san" dusting myself off and getting up I look at Sasagawa-san one more time who seem to be staring at me and i realized I didn't put my glasses on quickly put it on and leave really fast my orange eyes my strange orange eyes the same eyes that made people stay away from me for being weird or a freak along with my hair which now seems normal like highlights not that I mind though. Looking back slightly I see Mochida-sempai talking with Sasagawa-san me and Sasagawa-san make brief eye contact before i start running to school.

Being bullied it gave me a slight anxiety especially when people see my full face I need to run I have seen therapists for this but it just doesn't seem to work the only person i'm open to seeing my face is my mother not even my father since he hasn't been here long and that always scared me because I believe he won't accept me and disown me then my mother will stay with father because mom loves dad really loves dad more then me a lot of times I remember her crying in the living room about dad when she thought i was asleep.

Finally i ended up at the school and decided to walk in i'm a bit early which is good to me i won't get bitten to death by Hibari Kyouya I walk to my class a lot of people are already in class i go and take a seat at my desk and bring out my iPod and listen to music just some soft music my eyes were closed and I listen ignoring everything around me it reminded me of the sky high and free. I don't know why but I always felt close to the sky it always calms me down no matter what the sky represents freedom something I wish for. I let my mind wander I see the sky bright blue I felt like i was flying to my right I see a storm to my left i see the rain I look up and see the sun shining brightly I see a slight flash to my right and see lighting in the storm looking like there fighting the clouds just went past me surrounding all over I look down and see mist covering the ground staring at all of it made me feel safe my safe haven my guardian. When i opened my eyes I look and see someone was right in front of my face I reel back at the sudden invasion of space when i realize it's Sasagawa-san and behind her is her best friend Kurokawa-san. Sasagawa-san is smiling at me and said

"(2)Ohayo Tsuna-chan" 'T-Tsuna-chan' i think to myself first time being called that in this school all i have ever been called is Dame-Tsuna in this school

"o-ohayo Sasagawa-san" I said quietly we were inside people were looking at me which was not new but it still worried me.

"Tsuna-chan you can call me Kyoko" I stare at her for at least 2 seconds before nodding I didn't know what to do at this moment it was too weird in my opinion the stares of hate were directed at me I look down to my lap so no one can see my face it's weird I feel my anxiety rising little by little the school day hasn't even started and i'm already getting anxiety.

No one P.O.V

Kyoko and Hana see Tsuna looking down shaking slightly Hana looks around and saw the class except a select few that were glaring at Tsuna. Hana glared right back at everybody while Kyoko looked in worry Kyoko then smiled at Tsuna and asked

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