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Men are stupid, but you gotta love them

I walked into my room and screamed in horror. Okay probably not, but there was pink everywhere! Oh this has to go! Maybe not, because on the left side of the room it was all pink and on the other side it was plain. Untouched.


"Ahh!" I screamed dropping my bags in the process.

"I'm so sorry! Did I scare you?" I looked down at the average height girl. God her Afro was huge. It was huge and gorgeous. Her dark skin made her yellow sundress pop. Her huge light brown eyes looked up at me and her wide smile twinkled. Her teeth is on point.

"I'm Sasha by the way." Sasha stuck her hand out to me and I shook it.

"I'm Cyra. You can call me that or C." Sasha kept her smile on.

"Let me help with your bags!" I said thank you and she put some of the bags in the room while I helped.

"You're gorgeous by the way! Your contour and eyebrows are on point! I love your hair too." I giggled and said thank you. I decided to dye the bottom half of my hair a dark blue and the top half black.

"You're gorgeous too. I love your Afro by the way." Sasha said a low thank you. It looked like she blushed. I smiled at her and started to set my bed.

"I'm guessing you love black and purple."

"And burgundy and blue."

"You're so tall by the way... have you ever modeled?" I laughed a little. I always get asked that or if I play basketball. I'm not even that tall. I'm only 5'10 there are women that are 6'1. I guess I'm really tall when I wear high heels.

"Nah. I modeled a little when I was a little kid, but I stopped because that's not what I wanted to do you know? My passion is art." Sasha nodded her head.

"I'm trying to become a teacher. I just love kids. Well enough about talking about our selves! There's a party later on tonight wanna come?"

"Of course." I'm just gonna fake drink and observe like usual. My phone started to vibrate and I saw that my mom was calling me.


"Oh don't hey me! I've been worried sick! So have your father's. I've been waiting for you to text me. You know college isn't rainbows and unicorns. There are horny boys that'll do things you know. Even in broad day light and-

"Mom stop lecturing me." I said sighing through the phone.

"Excuse me? Me lecturing you? I was in labour for 42 hours Cyra. I will lecture you whenever the fuck I want. I've been worried!"

"I wasn't born here for you to lecture me. I was brought into this world because you got horny! Ma... I'm fine okay?" I started to laugh when I heard her laughing. "I'm safe and I have a nice roommate named Sasha. So please stop worrying and tell my dads I'll be fine. I love you mom."

"I'm sorry. I love you too Cyra bye."

"Sooooo. Are you ready to party?"

"Hell yes."


Already there were drunken college students grinding up against each other like there's no tomorrow. These parties are the parties that Shelly would take me too. Except there was no college students. Sasha pulled me across the room and we stood in front of a handsome white guy. Brown hair green eyes. Tall of course and built.

"This is my boyfriend Steven. We've been together since high school." I nodded my head and Steven took me into a hug. I didn't hug him back, because I was token off guard.

Men are stupid, but you gotta love them (BWHM)Where stories live. Discover now