Chapter 3

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There's another POV in this chapter... ;)

The weekend came again and Amanda somehow talked me into going to a party at Alex, a guy from our school's house. I had nothing to wear so I decided to raid Amanda's closet. She had much better taste than me.

It was currently 5:30; the party didn't start until 7 so I went over to Amanda's house. Once I was at her house she helped me pick out a dress along with one for herself. My dress was cute but simple. It was short-sleeved teal with a cut out bow in the back.

Amanda helped me do my makeup and curl my hair as well. She really was amazing. After we both were finished getting ready, we left for the party. Alex's house was huge. I've never been here because I've only talked to him once, but Amanda talks to him a lot.

"This place is huge!" I tell her. "Ya, his parents own a huge record label". I've never met anyone famous or kind of famous before; it made me happy I came tonight. All I could think was has he ever met any celebrities? We get inside and it feels even bigger. Dancing, sweaty bodies surround me as I take in the whole scene.

The pounding bass beat pulls me out of my thoughts when I see a smiling face coming towards us. "Hey guys, thanks for coming!" "Great party, I didn't know you lived in a mansion!" "Hahaha it's not that big, have fun you guys!" Not that big? My house could fit inside his house. Amanda came over with two drinks in her hand, even though I told her I wasn't going to drink anything.

"Amanda, I told you I wasn't going to drink anything" "Oh c'mon Alisa, loosen up! It's the weekend!" And with that she disappeared into the swarm of intoxicated teenagers. This is why I hated going to parties with her.

She makes me come and then ditches me to fend for myself. I decided I'd go out by the pool. It was a little less crowded out here, and I could use the fresh air right now. I sat for a while when I spotted Amanda from across the yard flirting with a guy I've never seen before. I couldn't help but be jealous of her sometimes.

She was the pretty, outgoing friend who always got the guys. She never had a problem talking to people, one of the qualities I wish I had. I went over to tell her I was going to head out. I knew she'd be upset and most likely beg me to stay but I don't know how much more of this party I can take.

I pushed my way through the moving bodies until I finally reached her. "Amanda! I yelled, "I don't feel too well, I'm going home!" That was a lie. I felt fine but I needed to get out of here to somewhere way more quiet.

"What! Ok!" I don't even think she understood me over the noise but I took it as a yes. I got to my car and remembered that we came together, but I'm sure I'd be leaving alone anyway regardless of how long I stayed. I couldn't wait to get home to my quiet house and warm bed, in which I think I had a long overdue date with.


Amanda POV

Alisa left the part early, and I didn't stay too much longer after that. I got a ride home from Chase, the guy I was talking to. He seemed nice, but he wasn't really my type. I just woke up and checked the time to see it was 12:30 in the afternoon.

I really knew how to sleep the day away. I turned my radio on and started to clean my room. I was humming along to Taylor Swift when I was interrupted by an ad.

"Love 5 Seconds of Summer!? Enter now for you and 1 other person to win tickets to a concert near you! Visit our official website to enter now! I immediately ran over to my phone and dialed Alisa's number. When she picked up I was too excited to even say hello.


Alisa POV

The next day I woke up with a huge headache. I took some Advil and started to do my homework so I wouldn't have a repeat of last week. I was in the middle of doing math when Amanda called me.

I answered the phone to her screaming in my ear.  "AHHHHH YOU HAVE TO COME OVER RIGHT NOW!!" "Why? Stop screaming" "JUST DO IT I'LL SEE YOU IN 10 AGHH!"

I didn't know what she wanted but I did as she said. I arrived at her house and went up to her room to find her literally on the floor screaming. "What's so important I had to rush over here?" "TH-THERE WAS A-A-AN- "Amanda calm down..breath what is it?

"THERE WAS AN AD SAYING ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO GET TICKETS FOR YOU AND A FRIEND TO SEE 5SOS AGHHH!!!" Now it was my turn to scream. "AGHHH" "WE HAVE TO ENTER!!" "Mandy there's like a negative billion chance we'd even win".

She didn't even listen to me as she grabbed her laptop and started aggressively typing the website in the url. "ALISA ARE YOU CRAZY!? It's 5sos!! This is our chance!! We have to at least try!" She was right. Yes it would be nearly impossible but it was worth a shot.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. This could be the chance I've waited my whole life for. A chance to see my favorite band, but more importantly, a chance to see Luke Hemmings in person.

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