Chapter 7

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Today was the day. The day I waited for my entire life. The day I'd see my four favorite people in person. I woke up with the hugest smile on my face. I immediately reached for my phone and sent Amanda a text.


Amanda: OMG YES I CANT WAIT !!!!! :))

Last night I barely got any sleep I was way too excited. The concert started at 7 and Amanda was coming over at 4:30 to get ready with me. I jumped out of bed, and got dressed. For once, I was actually ready to start the day.

The smile would not leave my face all afternoon. I blasted 5sos so loud, you could probably hear it down the street. It was currently 4:25, Amanda should be here any minute, I thought. Just as I predicted, the doorbell rang.

I sprinted downstairs and let her in.



We went upstairs to start getting ready. I raided my closet for at least a half hour before picking out the perfect outfit. I decided on my black skater skirt, with a red and black flannel and black converse. Amanda had on black skinny jeans and white crop top, with a red bandana.

She looked adorable, as always. She started on my makeup after finishing her own, and helped me curl my hair. "OMG what do you think they'll wear and, what will they open with, and what's the stage going to look like!?" I asked no one in particular.

I didn't even care I was asking too many questions. Nothing would take away my happiness right now. By the time we finished getting ready, it was 5:30. The venue was about 40 minutes away, so we had to leave early.

We grabbed our posters and headed out the door. The car ride was the longest experience of my life. The excitement filling my body was too much to contain. I just needed to see them already.

Of course, we blasted 5sos the whole car ride, and screamed off key. "AND I KNOW NOW! Amanda finished, "THAT I'M SO DOWN!! "HEYYYY!!" we screamed together. I was singing so loud, I wasn't surprised my throat already hurt. In fact, I'd probably have no voice before we even got in the venue.

The car ride only lasted another 10 minutes, thank god. I don't think I could've handled being confined any longer. The venue looked amazing. I loved seeing all the people and fans who were just as excited as I was. I felt like I belonged here. Amanda and I made our way to the security line, which was super long.

We stood in line for 5 minutes before showing the guards our tickets. I was surprised how fast it went, I thought we'd be standing there forever. We made our way to our seats pushing our way through the swarm of people. Since we didn't have to purchase the tickets, we got to sit in the front row.

I felt like the luckiest girl alive. In just a matter of minutes, they'd be singing right in front of me. Music was playing before the opening act, and people were going crazy. I went to the restroom before the show started so I wouldn't have to miss a second, though I really should have gone before we got to our seats.

After once again shoving my way through hyped teens I made finally made it back a second time. Everyone continued to jump and dance to the music, until it was time for Hey Violet to come out. "How is everyone!" Sounds of screams and whistles filled my eardrums. The music started as they began their set.

The first song was I Can Feel It, one of my favorites. "I've got your number I don't know how long I can wait. Ohhhh oh oh to call you over so we can waste the night away. People immediately started to cheer and sing along to the lyrics, and I couldn't stop myself from singing along too. "Are you feeling what I'm feeling cause it's really feeling right don't wake me if I'm dreaming I could stay here all night I can feel it!!" I screamed.

The rest of the set continued with This Is Why, followed by a Blank Space cover and You Don't Love Me Like You Should. Each song earned multiple screams and cheers, as the crowd continued to get lost in the music.

They played for an hour total until it was finally time. It's time I thought. This is the moment I've dreamt about for as long as I can remember. It was only seconds until I would be feet away from my idols.

My heroes. Not a billion miles, not through tiny pixels of a screen, I would see the loves of my life in person and they would be arms lengths away. The lights went out, causing even louder screams. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my blood.

A countdown came up on the screen counting down 60, 59, 58... My heart felt like it was going to literally leap out of my chest. I couldn't control the butterflies in my stomach as I saw a shadow hover over the drum kit, the single beam of a spotlight highlighting the gorgeous, blonde curly headed boy.

27, 26, 25... Each second that went by made my heart race at an even unbelievably higher pace. BOOM BOOM BOOM sounded the drums. BOOM BOOM BOOM. The clock kept ticking 10, 9, 8...BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM 7,6,5... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.

Three more shadows ran onto the stage, filling the arena with boisterous screams. I swear I felt my heart skipping a beat. 4, 3, 2, 1.... In this moment in time my body was overcome with a feeling of anxiety, sensation, and exhilaration...and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Omg this chapter made me so excited to write! My heart was
literally racing writing it cause I can imagine...anyway the next chapter is intense so keep reading! :)

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