Chapter 28

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A/N: there's a lot of different POV's in this chapter so sorry if it gets too confusing but you're all smart cookies I think you can keep up :-)

Alisa POV

I walked back into school praying I wouldn't run into Amanda for the rest of the day. If it was up to me I wouldn't even come back but Luke is my only ride and he just left. So it seems I'm stuck in this hell hole for 3 and a half more hours.

I couldn't concentrate the rest of the day. All I could think about was Calum with his arm around some dirty hoes shoulder. Maybe I'm acting irrational. That could've been anybody, right? I thought to myself. I saw what I saw. I think again. The way they were giggling with their hands all over each other isn't how you treat just anybody. The thought made me sick to my stomach.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a voice saying my name. "Alisa? Hello earth to Alisa?" I jumped when I saw who it was.

"Amanda! What are you doing here?"

"Um?" It's school." She replied confused. "Why so shaky?"

"Right. Haha I'm not shaky. Me? What are you talking about?" I said probably extremely unconvincing.

"Ok." She said holding out the 'k'. "Wanna come over after school?"

"Sorry can't lot of homework. Gotta go!"

I hurriedly rushed out of the hallway and ran down the stairs avoiding all people as humanly possible. I didn't even care about my last class. Who needed calculus anyway?

Amanda POV

The bell rang signaling our second to last class. I saw Alisa standing by her locker so I went over to talk to her.

"Hey." Nothing.

"Hey". I said again, but I still got no answer.

"Alisa? Hello earth to Alisa?" This finally got her attention.

"Amanda!" What are you doing here?" She asked. She was acting really weird today, and I know something is up. She can't lie for her life. She must know something I don't. I know my best friend and the only time she acts like this is when she's hiding something.

"Wanna hang out after school?" I asked.

"Sorry can't lot of homework. Gotta go!"

Before I could even respond she pushed by me and ran down the stairs. What was her problem? My mind starting brainstorming possible things that she could be hiding from me. Was she throwing me a surprise party? No. My birthday wasn't for 4 more months.

Is she mad at me? I couldn't even remember the last time we fought so it couldn't be that. I saw Chris walking up to me.

"What's up with her?" He said referring to our fleeing friend down the stairs. "No clue." I replied.

"First she ditched me for lunch then she rejected hanging out after school." He just shrugged and got his books out of his locker.

"Did she mention something to you? Anything that could make her act this way?"

"I didn't even talk to her today. Sorry. "

Then it hit me. I remembered this morning she told me she was having lunch with Luke. Maybe something happened between them. Or maybe she lied to me about what happened in the principals office. Whatever it was I planned on finding out.

Alisa POV

I saw Chris on my way out of the school but I ignored him and kept running. I feel bad for ditching Amanda like that, but I know she'd be on to me if I continued to talk. She knows me too well. I definitely would have cracked and she can NOT know about Calum. Not until I know the truth, and if God forbid it was-well we'll cross that bridge later.

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