Chapter three - Hospitalized

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Hey! Okay i know its been a bit while since i last uploaded this chapter, I was planning to do it yesterday morning but then i had forgot i had a family reunion to attend to. But im here now and here is your Guy's story! thank you so much for being patient! 


 ( Lucy's P.o.v )

I opened my eyes fast and looked around. What the...? I looked out into the forest and then at my watch. Shit it's almost dinner time! I ran to where I entered the forest then ran home.

I had got home just in time for dinner. I put away my things and dressed more comfortably. I sat at the dinner table trying to avoid eye contact with sting.

"Where were you Lucy? I was looking for you" said sting with a cold voice.

"I-I...Was at the library" I ate fast and left for bed. That gave me a warm feeling somehow....


School was out once again. As I was about to walk home I was grabbed from the back of my neck

"Im showing no mercy this time "sting said in a hated voice.

I was forced to walk with him into the forest, we have past the hallow tree I was in yesterday so that nobody could hear me screaming. He then shoved me onto the ground. He cracked his knuckles.

He started beating me. This pain..i should be use to it by now...I then feel something entering my stomach area, I kept feeling it, it felt like sharp pains throughout my side. He laughed and walked away. Putting my hands near where I felt the pain I saw blood, I then scream of how much it hurt. I got up, holding my wounds loosing to much blood...

feeling dizzy I fall down onto my stomach, so this is it time... my vision was going blurry, seeing a figure with a cape on and pink. Pink...what a beautiful color...I then blacked out.


Opening my eyes a bit, I see nothing but a moving sky I must be in being car..ried...? Closing my eyes again and blacking out



Who's There....?


Is Someone calling me...?


There it is again..






Should I wake up...?

I slowly open my eyes, seeing a bright light...I look around seeing black silhouettes.

"nngh..." I groaned.

"Lucy!" hearing a voice.

I then look at the person calling me


Ahh...yes now I remember...Levy, My cousin. The only person other than me who believed in magic.


she hugged me gently 

" I Thought you were never going to wake up!"

I can feel wet drops falling onto my arm. She pulled back.

"What happened? Where am i?" I looked at myself. I was covered in bandages.

"We're in the hospital, Someone brought you in saying they found you in the forest covered in stab wounds and bruises." She started crying

"I...thought you were never going to wake up...." She laid her head on the hospital bed crying. I petted her head trying to calm her down.

"How long have I been out?" I looked at her.

"Almost 3weeks." She said.

My eyes widen Three....weeks? I looked down at myself trying to sit up. Feeling a bit of pain. I guess its only natural since I've been in a coma for 3 weeks the wounds are bound to heal a bit.

"Im fine now." I smiled. This smile.... It was fake. " Where is the person who saved me...I'd love to meet them"

"The nurses said he dropped you off and left."

"He...? It was a guy...?" I blushed a bit...a guy saved me..

"What did my savoir look like?" I asked

"They said he had pink spiky hair with a cape on." My eyes widen. it true...? Or was I really dreaming...?

"Ill go get the nurse" She wiped her tears and left. Looking around I spot a silver box with gold swirled trimmings. Curiosity struck me hard. I removed the blankets and carefully getting up, feeling sharp pains shooting through me, holding onto my stomach while walking to the box.

Picking up the box and examining it. I look on the counter it was on and picked up the small paper that was under it. Unfolding it, it had a soft touch, feeling over the ink where the writing was it, it then read :

Dearest Lucy,

I am terribly sorry for what has happened to you. I had saw you in the forest covered in blood and carried you to the nearest hospital.-

So it wasn't a dream!! The pink and cape...the moving sky...I was saved by whoever wrote this...! I continued to read on -

And I am sorry you could not have met your savior, but something urgent had came up that couldn't wait. As a Gift...In this Box is a Healing Flower. Do not freak out, Once you have opened the silver box I had given you, just let it take its course in doing its Job. Feel Better...I will come for you soon.

Looking for a name somewhere, there wasn't. I Opened the box, There lying in a white silky cloth was a Gold and white orchid. Then the gold from the orchid had started to rise into glitter dust, flowing around me and onto my wounds, feeling the pain disappearing, i smiled widely.

"Coming for me...Ill be waiting then. " I said to myself while looking out at the cherry blossom tree outside of the window


It's been a week since ive been out of the hospital. It's my birthday. I turn 17, and all I alone..absolute alone...and a peaceful sleep. I wrote a letter on my desk.

Dear who ever is reading this,

I have reach my limit in life and cannot go any farther. All I ask for my birthday is a peaceful sleep. A sleep no one can disturb. It was truly a gift to have met all and to who I have become friends with... I will soon be joining my Mother soon. Layla Heartfilla. Im sorry Dad, I am sorry I resemble the wife who you onced loved so dearly. My mother who had died giving birth to me. Once again, It was great knowing you all...and I bid you all...a good farewell.

~ Lucy."

I walked out and left for the forest. This forest...something about it draws me in. as i enter the forest I start wandering around until i found myself nearing a cliff. As I walk till I reach the edge. I look down, All I see is greenery. I take a deep breath. Im coming mother. AS I stepped forward-

"Stop don't do it!" hearing a masculine voice.

But...before having enough time to look around I started falling. Im sorry...closing my eyes. I feel a warmth wrap around me and a bright light shining through my eye lids. I smile...I made it...


Oh shit. She made it?! Made it where?! And who was this mysterious Savoir and person who had called out to her? 

All characters used belong to Hiro Mashima ~ - *

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