Chapter 2: If only it was that easy

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I can't wait to leave school. It's December, I turned 16 on November 20th.

Just six months to go.

I'm not looking forward to Christmas if my parent's are going to be fighting with each other. We spend Christmas at my grandparent's house, my mums parents. It is nothing exciting but I like it, it's time with my family and we normally have a good time.

The only lesson I enjoyed today is Music for the last two lessons.

An hour and a half of listening to music, playing guitar and mucking around with Luke and Calum is heaven to me.

"Have you got Aleisha a Christmas present?" Calum asks Luke.

"No, not yet" Luke said.

I laugh "Mate you have two weeks till Christmas. You better get a move on".

"Hey at least I have a girl to buy a present for" Luke sassily said back.

Calum burst into laughter and even I couldn't help but smile "You cheeky bastard".

"Michael, Luke, Calum" our music teacher, Mr Farrely, calls "Do you guy's want to perform what you have practiced?"

"Yea sure" I say.

I love music. It's literally my driving passion, without it I don't know what I would do. Since primary school I have loved music. Whenever I felt depressed or upset I would listen to up beat music to make me feel better.

I have done BTEC and I am doing GCSE now. When I finish school I want to go to 6th form for a three year music course that includes playing shows, producing, writing and recording music.

"Sir can we get Ashton?" Calum asks "We've been practising American Idiot by Green Day with him".

"Yea sure" Mr Farrely said.

Calum left the music room as Luke and I set up the equipment.

"Okay everyone can I get you're attention" Mr Farrely said clapping his hands to get the other students to listen to him "Michael, Luke and Calum are going to be performing a song for us".

We wait for Calum and Ashton to come to the classroom. By the time they had Luke and I had the drum kit set up, the guitars and bass plugged into the amps. We don't need microphones because we're in a classroom.

"Alright mate" Ashton said to me.

"Not too bad mate. You?"

"You guy's just got me out of the last half an hour of geography. I could kiss you" Ashton said jokingly and we laugh at the comment.

"Hello Ashton" Mr Farrely said.

"Hi Sir" Ashton said taking of his blazer and pulling a bandana out of his pocket then proceeded to wrap it around his head "Miss having me in you're lessons?"

"I don't miss the endless pranks you pulled on everyone" Mr Farrely said laughing a little.

"Aww really. I thought putting a fake rat in Miss Potters mini fridge was hilarious" Ashton said and everybody erupts into laughter, including Mr Farrely.

"Okay it was a bit funny" Sir said sitting on one of the tables "Alright lads, ready when you are".

With Ashton's bandana tightly secured to his head and his ass on the drum stool we're ready to go.

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