Chapter 3: Grades

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"Michael Clifford" Mr Burns, the head of year 11, said when I came into school with Ashton and Calum. I've only just walked in through the entrance doors and already have a bastard of a teacher up my ass.

"Yes Sir" I say facing him with a devilish smile.

"What have you done to your hair?" he asks.

"Oh it's new hair dye, do you like it?" I say with a hint of sass and I hear a small giggle escape his lips.

"Hmmm well considering that school rules are no extreme hair dying" he said crossing his arms.

'Well it's the week before Christmas break so can't you let it go' I thought. My hair colour has changed through out my teens, it was dirty blonde before I had it done to the revers skunk style.

"Sir . . ." I start but I am cut off.

"You know the rules for extreme hair dying and you know that punishment is three day's in exclusion in St. Paul's" Mr Burns resisted, I've heard him say it so many times to other students.

St. Paul's is a room near the school's small chapel were students go for exclusion. I hate it. I've been in there before for exclusions.

"Sir please it's the week before Christmas" I beg "Can I please stay in my normal lessons".

"I'm afraid I can't do that Michael but you know the rules . . ."

"Sir please I'll do extra work" I'm begging for my life now, and all Calum and Ashton can do is watch.

"You need to do extra anyway Mr Clifford, you're grades are slipping" Mr Burns said harshly "I'll let you're teachers know you'll be in St. Paul's".

Without another word I watch him walk away.

"You dick" I say loud enough for the boys to hear but low enough so I don't get in more trouble.

"You alright mate?" Calum asks.

"No, that dickhead, bastard, fucker has just pissed me right off" I say trying to contain some of my growing anger so I don't take it out on the boys.

"Mate I'm sorry" Ashton said.

"Yea, what a dick" Calum said "It's hair dye, what the hell does he actually think is gonna happen if students dye their hair".

"Exactly" I say "It's not like people are going to be focussed on it or anything".

"Are you alright?" Both lads ask.

"No he's really fucked me off" I say with my anger slowly starting to grow.

"Hey guys" Luke says cheerfully as he approaches us "You alright?"

"Fan-fucking-tastic" I say sarcastically.

Luke pauses at my comment and then looks at Ashton and Calum "What have I missed?"

"Mr Burns has excluded Michael for his hair to St. Paul's for three days" Ashton explains.

"That's a bit harsh" Luke said "It's nearly Christmas and he's not the only one dying his hair in this school".

"Thank you!!!" I say to Luke with a little more enthusiasm and wrap one of my arms around his shoulder "Would you mind telling Mr Burns that?"

Luke laughs "I'm not planning on getting in trouble as well".

"Hmmm your right, you're mum would kill you" Calum says causing Ashton and I to laugh.

My smile at the comment fades rather quickly as my mind is still swearing at Mr Burns. "I'm going to go to St. Paul's now" I say and begin to walk off.

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