Chapter 3- This Shits Happening.

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"Mickey? Are you home?" I hear Greg call from my basment. I hear him march up the stairs and open my bedroom door but I don't bother to move. "Mickey, I'm Sorry. I-I heard what happened. It's all over the news. Mickey are you okay?" he says rubbing my back. I turn to look at him 

"My best friend commited suicide and I found out about it 2 days ago. Do I look okay? Am I supposed to be okay after two days?! I just want her  back! I miss her." I shout immideaty regreting it. He opens his mouth then shuts it again. His eyes get watery and he starts to cry. 

"Mickey, I miss her too. I want her back too but that can't happen. It isn't going to happen. Ever. She's gone. She took her own life." He says pulling me into his lap. 

"Why? She seemed so happy!" I say crying into his shirt. 

"Shh. Shh. I don't know why she did it." He says. 

"I should've gone with her. I could've stopped her." I say. 

"If she didn't do it on her trip, she would've done it some other time." He says. 

We sit here together crying, untill we both just fall asleep. 

-1 week later- 

School starts in 2 days and I don't know if I really want to go back. Laura is still all over the news, and I don't know if I wanna hear whispers about it in the halls. 

Ding Dong

I walk downstairs and open the door. I see a package lying on the front step and a moving van going down the street adn parking in the Edward's driveway. I guess they are moving out. I wouldn't blame them. I would leave to if I had a choice. I bend down and pick up the package and put it on my dining room table. I cut open the tape with a knife and open the flaps. I pull out a locket identical to the one I had one, and a journal with lock on it. I pulled out a note that was stuck to the journal.

'She would have wanted you to have it.  You where her best friend. Take good care of it, and sorry we couldn't find the key. Maybe you'll have better luck. Mr. Edwards'

 I grab the journal and necklace and go to my room and shut the door. The lock on the journal looked like a symbol. I try putting her locket against it but it doesn't budge. I look closer at the symbol and realize that it looks very similar to my locket that Laura gave me. I put my locket into the hole and the lock snaps open. I open up the journal and start to read the first entry. 

Dear Diary, Is that how you start one of these things out? I don't know, but I don't feel like that's how I want to start this out. Oh! I got it!

Hola Senorita! That's better. Today was the first day of freshman year. I was really nervous about starting high schol but my best friend Mickey helped me calm down and not be nervous. It was actually alot of fun. There where alot of cute guys suprisingly, cause I mean lets be real, in this small town there aren't many cuties. I had like all my classes with Mickey so that was good too. Well, I was thinking that I would make an entry every week cause my life isn't very interesting, but I mean when I become famous and this gets published then I should probably have some interesting stuff in here. So I will make this a weekly thing, unless something awesome happens. Then I'll make a special entry. Well anyway, Jake a senior at my school said I was cute in the hallway today. I didn't make it seem like a big deal, but it was huge!! He asked me for my number and we have been texting all night! I think I might be falling for him. He's so sweet. Well I guess that's all that I have to write for tonight. Later!!

She had a journal? She liked Jake!? How did I not know this! I was her best friend. As I turn to the next page I think about the first day of freshman year. Laura was nervous, and she was trying not to be boy obsessed even though thats just how she is. 

EEKKKK!!! Jake likes me!! So I kinda forgot for a few weeks to do this journal thing, but I'm writiing now so it's all good. So what you missed is, Mickey and I went to homecoming with a bunch of friends. I was jealous that she looked way better then me though, but it's all good cause Jake asked me to dance  with him.  I told Greg about it and he was all like 'Jake? From statefarm?' it proves how much of a weirdo he is. 

I remember homecoming. It was an amzing night. Laura and Jake did dance but it didn't even last a whole song. I thought it was just some kinda joke.  I still don't get why she didn't tell me about Jake.  It's weird I didn't even notice. 

Swerve is a sexier verison of swag! LOL Mickey is hilarious. 

Okay so I lost my journal and I litterally just found it. It's now the last week of school.  So wht you missed is, Me and jake are together. Like a couple! But no one knows. Not his choice but mine. Why You might ask.. Becasue I wanna focus on school and not have everyone acting like a big deal. Not even Mickey knows, that's a big deal. But, it's a friday night and I'm sneaking out to go to a party with Jake. It's my first senior party and I'm super excited! Gotta go get ready! :) 

I couldn't wait untill next week to update cause something happened at the pary, something big. I came home last night after the party and I was wasted, which I thought was weird. So I kept thinking about it. And today two days after the party. I remembered something.... I was raped. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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