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Under Pressure

(A/N: if you didn't read CAUTION, please do -_- Also! The video above is the tune to the music box!)


The music box. That was the only thing that held the tiniest bit of sanity in the man. He sat in front of a window. His large, brooding figure hunched over on the tiniest of stools. His blank, bloodshot eyes stared into the endless void of the sky above. The box's steady tune ringing throughout worn walls of the room. Rubble and debris resting by the man's feet remained undisturbed and untouched. Instruments of daily use rested by the delicate music box. The musical device played on until it slowed, slower, even slower, before it came to a halt.

The last note bouncing from wall to wall before even the echo was brought to a painful silence. The man continued to stare for a while longer. He listened to the sounds of the calm wind, the tiniest rustle of leaves, and the creaking of a worn swing set as it swayed back and forth ever so slowly. The man then stood suddenly, breaking the pause in time  to everything within range before stalking towards the music box and gently turning the small key. He listened as the tune began to play again.

The music calmed him.

Why? He never knew himself, but it did its job. It silenced the voices of his conscience. It silenced the man that almost ceases to exist. It silenced him. Silenced the idiot who screamed at him to stop. No, no. He couldn't - wouldn't- stop. The man chuckled.

'Oh, no, no, no! He doesn't exist anymore. He is but only a shell.' The dark thought made the man rasp malicious laugh. His outburst came to a halt as a murderous scream tore through his "peaceful" atmosphere. It was high pitched, like a woman's, and whether it came from the pain of her earlier injuries or from fear, the man didn't know nor care. He released an animalistic growl and shot to his feet.

How dare she, he thought, how dare she ruin my silence!

The voices in his head began to scream. He was pleading again. Pleading for the man to stop. Pleading for him to set the woman free. Pleading for the man to let him out. The voices accompanied him. Each either repeating what he had said, screeched, berated him.

They're annoying.

The voices didn't stop. They usually didn't, but today they were particularly loud. Each crawling from a whisper to roars that formed an aching in his head. One and then another, another, and another... Until it grew to be too much. The man clutched his head as the voices grew louder and louder. His head was as pounding from the intensity of their volume. He cried out to himself, out of sheer anger, out of hurt. He curled into himself. Hot tears began to flow from his eyes. The pain... Oh how it hurt! How he wished he could make it stop!

He began to talk again. His voice was no longer pleading or naive anymore. The tone was now replaced by malice. By anger.

Coward............. Bastard child............... Pathetic................ Worthless.............

The dark voice droned on and on. The man grit his teeth and stood despite the pain.

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" He growled to the voices. To him. The woman cried out again.

All her fault.

All her fucking fault!

Get rid of her.

Get rid of the voices...

Yes, yes!! She started it...

She must pay the price!

Under Pressure [UNDER RECONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now