Chapter 1

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(If anything is inaccurate or needs finer tuning, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it.)

Chapter 1

Daniel Buchheim groaned as another case file was slapped down onto is desk.

"Gaw fuh, again?" He asked through a mouthful of Chinese noodles, broccoli, and slices of beef.

"Don't talk with your mouth full like a slob." Daniel's partner, Miranda, scolded as she sat at her desk across from the detective. Daniel frowned and swallowed his food before replying, "Yes, mother. While you're here, are there dishes that need cleaning? Does my room need to be vacuumed, and dusted while I'm at it?" The male mocked. His only response was a quick thwack to his forehead. He glared at the woman as he she sat back down and picked up the file.

"Can it, smartass," She lifted her head, "We've got a meeting around 3 on this. Please," Miranda stood and walked towards the door, "Do not be late to this one. Or else." She threatened as she opened the door to their personal office and walked into the hall. Daniel muttered under his breath and snatched up the cream colored file.

"Don't be late or else." He mocked in a high-pitched voice. He muttered a curse to himself and looked up at the clock.


The detectives hummed to himself.

Hope these last few minutes to myself go slower.


Daniel smirked at his partner as he sat down beside the shorter woman. Miranda rolled her eyes with a large smile covered her face.

"Wow, you're actually on time Buchheim." She remarked. Daniel scoffed and placed a hand over his heart, gasping.

"I'm hurt V. I can't believe you'd wound your poor, handsome, manly partner!" He tightened his fist over his button-up. Miranda cackled and clutched her stomach, "Please! Poor, yes. Handsome and manly? Hell no." She carefully wiped under her eyes as her mascara began to run from her tears. Daniel crossed his arms and childishly pouted before a thought came to mind.

"I don't believe that's what my dear husband would say." The detective smirked and crossed his arms over his broad chest. Miranda snorted, "Oh you wish, he wears glasses for a reason, honey." She grinned as the male beside her frowned and mumbled a curse at his female companion.

"I see you two are at it again." A gruff, firm voice cut between the two's antics.

"I was only stating the facts again, Chief." Miranda's tone of voice going from playful to professional. Daniel was the one to roll his eyes this time.

Teacher's pet, He thought and pulled his file closer to himself.

The chief chuckled at the two and threw the file at his usual seat. The older man slowly took a seat as the rest of the officers began to file into the conference room. Each officer began to converse among themselves before the chief cleared his throat. The room grew silent.

"Alright, good to see everyone is here on time for once," His gaze directed towards Daniel as a few people chuckled, "Anyways, as you all know, there have been a multitude of bodies showing up all around Morana. All female, vary in age from consenting age to their 40s. So far we haven't found a connection between these women and each of these women are all reported as missing before being found two to three weeks after their reports go public. Into each of the women's stomachs, 'DEATH' is carves into them," The chief pushed a button on a remote he had on hand. Images of each dead woman with their shirts pulled up all indeed have "DEATH" carved into each and every one of them. The chief continued, "This man, as we assume they're male, has also left letters to our forces," Another image of a note written in neat calligraphy, "In they're note, they refer to themselves as Death. No surprise seeing as he's been leaving his signature on each of his victims. In their letter they also claimed to know everything and everyone in this department. He mentioned that he would not hesitate to use each of your backgrounds to his advantage and he will not hesitate to kill again."

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