Chapter 2

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(Credit for the body joke goes to my dumb sister love_and_adventure )

The world seemed to then grow silent for the two as they both fell into a deep slumber....... "... Kill him now and he won't be a bother!"....... Let them be for now. Besides, what would be the fun in getting rid of them now?.........


Chapter 2

When Daniel woke the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that Tank and Nathan were both cuddling up (and laying on, in Tank's case) against him. The second thing, was that it was dawn and the detective asked himself why he was up at this time. The third, and most terrifying, was the window, that instead of being securely closed and locked like he checked, was cracked slightly open and very clearly unlocked. The detective bristled as he stared at the window and quickly sat up to scan the room. It was startlingly untouched. Not even a speck of dust moved out of place. Daniel slowly let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

"Must've really been unlocked then..." He muttered to himself while getting up to shut and lock the window for sure before slowly shifting back to protectively wrap his arms around his husband. As a detective, he knew that he should be more curious about it. The window being coincidently open when he was sure he had locked it was more than just a bit disconcerting to the older man. He let out a muffled sigh and ran a hand through his silver hair as his eyes slid shut.

Caaalm down there, Daniel... You're fine, Nathan's fine, life is good!

He shook his head and smiled to himself.

Yeah... We're fine. Daniel thought to himself and fell back into a tentative slumber.


"Hey, Miranda? What do you call a person with no body and a nose?" Daniel joked as he picked up the said limb that was discarded no more than a few feet from the actual body. He carelessly threw it into an evidence bag.

Miranda groaned, "Daniel, don't you dare." The male detective snickered and finished, "No body nose! HA!" The detective cackled and slapped his knee and handed the bag to a forensic investigator who, like Miranda, groaned at the awful joke. They made a point in marching away as quickly as possible across the public park.

"Wow, even the forensics guy didn't like that joke." Miranda observed and slapped the male in lieu of the poor guy. Daniel whined at the stinging pain.

"Ow... Rude, much?" He said and gently massaged the area of pain. Miranda could only giggle as she playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Pfft you love me, Danny-boy." She replied. Daniel grumbled his reply and walked towards the body with Miranda in tow.

"So anyways, funny guy, find anything on the gal?" Miranda asked the pouting detective. Daniel looked at the body with a slight grimace and shrugged.

"Well from what I got from the forensics staff, Jane Doe here has no means of identification on her. I mean, hell, her fingertips were burned off and her face is practically mutilated from how bad this guy beat her." Daniel paused as Miranda began to bite her bottom lip, which for her, was usually a sign she had something to say.

"Hm.. That's not his usual habit... He usually just discards their victims like trash and then goes onto the next but... How long ago was his last body found?"

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