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I woke up to Paul snoring loudly in my ear.
"Jeez Paul!" I exclaimed trying to get out of his grip as he tightened it.
"Five more minutes." He mumbled pulling me closer.
"Paul we have to go to school." I said. I wiggled out of his grasp and ended up on the floor with a thud.
"I'm wake!" He yelled sitting up, he looked down at me and started to laugh.
"Haha so funny." I mumbled getting up from the floor, getting clothes and going to the bathroom to change.
"I'm sorry Bells!" Paul called. I walked out and grabbed my bag as I made my way down stairs.
"I'm so so so sorry!" He pleaded from behind me. I turned to look at him.
"I forgive you." I said with a smile on my face. He kissed me long and hard.
"Now let's go!" He yelled running outside. I nodded in a daze, I got in the truck and drove to school. I saw something that I wish I didn't a Silver Volvo. Edward.
"The Cullens are back." I said to Paul as he growled lowly in return.
"Do not do anything stupid." I said to him, he nodded. I stepped out of the truck, I was Alice and Edward walk towards us. I smirked when Paul got out and came towards me wrapping me in his arms. Edward's face was priceless, shocked and anger showed as he sped walked over here.
"What's the meaning of this!" He hissed so no one but us could hear,"What have they done to you, Bella?" He looked over at me.
"You left me, and I moved on." I said,"Paul is way better than you'll ever be."
"They've corrupted your mind!" He snarled.
"Back off leech!" Paul said taking a step forward. The guys and Leah came running.
"Get off our land!" Leah hissed.
"Your-your land!" Edward exclaimed.
"Yeah, when you left it became no mans land, so we claimed it for ourselves." Seth explained.
"Which means you're on our territory." Quil said.
"Tell your leader bloodsucker that he and you all are no longer welcomed here." Jake said standing on the other side of me.
"And if we ever see you, we'll kill you." Embry sneered.
"Come on guys." I said walking away, bumping my shoulder with Edward's. I heard the guys and Leah growl at them as they walked with me. Paul put his arm around my waist protectively as we walked into the school.
Edward POV
I watched as my Bella walk away with a pack of mutts. They have somehow corrupted her mind, she used to do anything I said. Now she's like being manipulated.
"Alice come." I said walking towards the school, she walked with me. Those mutts are going to pay. I will have you, Bella. Forever!

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now