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Bella PoV

I watched as my old friends of school come in and sit two tables across from us, the only one missing was Jessica. Just as I got my hopes up that she was not coming, she strolled in- but she was not alone. Edward had come with them, his arm around her.

"They're just trying to get a rise out of you." Leah said, "Bella, you are over him. You have Paul."

"I know," I replied, " He is just being so annoying, I swear he is doing this just to get me back."

We unexplainably burst out laughing, drawing their attention to our table. We stopped and stared at them, challenging them to say something. Angela was the first person to look away, then the rest.

"I think we should go." I stated, grabbing my purse and started getting up. Leah's hand shot out and grabbed my wrist.

"No Bella," She said, "We can stay, as long as they don't come over here, I'm fine."

I nodded sheepishly and sat back down, fiddling my engagement ring.

"You nervous?" Leah asked, as though reading my thoughts.

I nodded. "I just didn't expect to get married at eighteen, well my parents did because of me."

"Well you are getting married to one of the hottest guys in La Push." Leah said, dipping a french fry in ketchup and putting it in her mouth.

"I know, I'm thinking about having the wedding in the Summer." I said. Leah nodded.

"Summer is good, how about the beach?" She asked.

"I'll talk with Paul about it, maybe invite some of the humans that I'm still friends with." I joked rolling my eyes. Out the corner of my eye I saw Edweirdo get up and swiftly walk over. Is he seriously trying to start more crap, especially in a restaurant.

"You're marrying the mutt!" He hissed, Leah growled lowly.

"Watch it if I were you bloodsucker!" Leah spit at him.

"For your information, yes, I AM marrying Paul, and you are NOT invited." I stated getting my point across. "Come on Leah, I can already tell that we are no longer welcome here."

Leah and I got up and paid for the food and left. I looked back and saw Edweirdo talking to my old friends, their faces showed shock, surprise, but most of all Jessica's face was angry. She stomped her foot down and started to throw a temper tantrum.

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now