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Bella Pov

I was sound asleep in my bed when I heard a noise. 'tap' 'tap' 'tap'. I threw the covers off of me and briskly walked to my window and opened it up.

"Who is out there?!" I whispered-yelled, looking into the dark night truing to see who it was. I waited for a moment and felt a cold rush of air go by me and into the room. I stiffened at the sickly sweet smell of Lavender. Edward.

I turned around swiftly and saw him sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded walking up to him and standing with my hands on my hips.

"What, can't I come and see my girlfriend." He said cheekily, smiling-showing off those pearly whites that I USED TO fall for.

"Your girlfriend is Jessica." I reminded him, "Go to her."

"No, no, no." He mused, "I don't want Jessica, I want YOU." I took a couple steps backward, shock evident on my face.

"No Edward." I stated, shaking my head,"I do NOT love you anymore, you LEFT me."

"I know, it was the worst mistake i ever made." He said, standing up and walking towards me. I backed up until I felt the edge of my bookcase pinch my back.

"Get the HELL OUT!" I exclaimed, "I don't want YOU!"

He jumped at my out burst, eyes wide with surprise and shock. His face turned cold and he leaned dangerously close in my face.

"You have made a very bad mistake, Isabella." He jeered. I inwardly cringed at the use of my first name. And just as fast as he came, he was gone in a flash.

I recovered from my jitters and scrambled across the room to my phone. I dialed Paul's number and waited for answer.

"Hello?" He asked, I could hear the grogginess in his voice. Maybe I should tell him tomorrow.

"Bella?" He asked, "What's wrong?" Well it's too late now.

"H-He was here Paul." I said speaking into my slightly shaking phone, thanks to my jitters coming back.

"Who?!" He asked more alert, I could here the protective edginess in his voice.

"Edward-" I started.

"I'm coming right over." He said.

The line went dead. I sat on my bed with my knees tucked into my chest. Eyes alert for another visit from him, while Paul is on his way.

A/N What the hell is Edward planning? Even I don't know. To my readers have a Merry Christmas Eve everyone and have a Happy New Year.

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now