Chapter Twelve

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Natalia's POV

I wake up the next morning, still on the floor. I stand and try to get as close to the windows as possible. I try to make out what time it is. No use, the cold shackles pull against me.

Someone comes in and shuts the door. I spin to see Loki, looking solemn. I walk over to him as far as I can go. He comes over to me and places his hands on my glove like contraptions. His hands cool down as he try's to get them off me.

It doesn't work and so I sit on the floor again, defeated.  Loki sits down across from me. I look at the floor.

"Why did your mother lock you up?" He asks, I sigh.

"I got angry. Everything's... changed and only for the worse. When... she... died. Everything shattered. Nothing's the same anymore," I explain.

"I heard you screaming. I loved her too," He says. Tears start to well up again.

"Why me? Why us?" I ask. He sighs and looks at his lap.

"I wish I knew. I really do," He answers.

I see a drop of water hit the floor and I see Loki with a tear stained face. The sight causes my heart to tear and my soul to cry. I hate to see him so unhappy, so hurt. I scream out with agony and anger and I feel the gauntlets shatter. My body golden.

I rub my newly freed wrists and stand, "We're leaving."

"Where?" Loki follows me, "It's just past sunset."

"To see a friend," I say.

Loki follows silently and I mentally thank him for it. I sneak us down to the stables and we ride on horseback for some time before making it to a lagoon.

We tie the horses to a nearby tree and we walk to the beach. My dress, torn from my outburst, blows in the strong wind.

"What is so special about this place?" Loki asks, walking up next to me.

"Just wait and see."

I climb up onto a rock over the water and pick up the shell laying at the top. I climb back down slowly. I hold it up to Loki's view.

It is curled and has a long, narrow, end. I put it to my lips and blow. A beautiful note plays from the shell. It seems to run across the water.

"What is it?" Loki asks.

"Don't be impatient," I smile. A sudden splash sounds in the distance.

"What is that?" Loki asks, bewildered.

"Talahgard used to be known for its oceans and aquatic life. On Midgard, they are called mermaids." I explain. He looks at me.

"Is this a trick?" He asks. One of them breaks surface and I walk up to her. I hear him mumble, "Well then."

I walk into the water, my dress pooling around me in the waves. The mermaid looks shocked to see me.

"Princess!?" She asks in disbelief. I nod. She bows her head.

"Lovely to see you," I say and smile. She smiles back at me widely.

She peers behind me, "Who is that? He's quite handsome."

I feel my heart burning at her words, "The king of Asgard himself."

She gasps, "Why would the king be here?"

"My sister has died. They were to wed," I say, her face falls.

"My apologies your highness," She bows her head. I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Do not worry. Now, where is Kaylatha?"

"She is nearby, wait here please." She says and dives back into the water.

I walk back to shore and step out of the water. My magic dries me instantly.

"This is fascinating!" Loki says. I smile at his enthusiasm.

"The mermaids are beautiful creatures. It's why I love them so," I explain.

A voice appears behind me, "Thank you, your highness."

I turn to see Kaylatha, a powerful wielder of magic.

We make eye contact and her face registers surprise. I walk over the the water again.

"Can you take me to the pool?" I ask. She nods ever so slightly.

"Loki, wait here. Just a couple minutes while I sort an issue out. Is that alright?" He nods at me. Kaylatha leads me away, deeper into the water.

We are teleported to a cave with a large pool of water in the middle. I can feel the power radiating off this place.

"Your highness, you do not appear as you are." Kaylatha interrupts my thoughts.

"It is true. I may not speak for I am restricted. Can the pool show you?" I ask. She holds her hand out to the pool.

I kneel at the water's edge and dip my hand in. I feel the power rush over me and I gasp.

I pull my hand out and look within the still water. My hair is golden and my eyes blue.

"It's feel that a long time has passed since I've seen this face. I can barely remember a time I wore it."

"If I may ask. Why are you vailed by dark magic?" She asks.

"My mother placed a curse upon me. I cannot speak of my name, not of the curse. I am unable to even hint at my distress. It's changed me entirely." I say and the water ripples as a tear hits it's surface.

A hand is placed on my shoulder, "I am sorry Princess. I can see how much it pains you."

"The man I am with was going to be my husband. But now, I'm foreign to him. It kills my soul," I explain.

"I'm sorry I cannot help more. The water can only counteract this curse for so long. When you leave it'll become reality once again. I wish I could help, but this curse is too strong to lift. I also don't dare to speak of it. This magic is dark and powerful. It could have an enchantment protecting it, very likely one tied to your life."

I sigh in frustration, "Can I not bring him here?"

"The magic of the pool would reject him and he would be unable to enter, as he is not from our world." She explains gently. Kaylatha places a hand over my shoulder, "You need to find what this curse is tied to. Dark magic this strong can't be upheld without a vessel. Find that and destroy it. It may be the only way to break this curse without disastrous results."   

I take one last look in the water. My ice blue eyes, storming. I nod at Kaylatha and I feel us teleport away and the curse weighing on me yet again.

We land on the beach and I see Loki on the beach, crowded by many of the mermaids. I feel my heart twitching at the sight of them, practically throwing themselves at him.

He says something and they all giggle like children.

"Loki?" I ask. He continues talking to the mermaids. Can he really not hear me?

"Loki?!" I ask a bit louder, still nothing.

I sign before a wicked plan comes to mind. I feel the warmth of my magic and I bring my hand up and clench it. I see one of the mermaids gasp and I smile. I yank my hand down and the girl disappears into the water. The other mermaids scream and swim away. I stand next to Loki.

"Very funny."

"I haven't the slightest idea what you referring to," I say with a smirk.

"Alright, play a fool." He chuckles.

I laugh and grab his hand, pulling him along. I have to get him to love me again. No matter what.

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