Chapter Thirteen

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Natalia's POV

Loki was following me on horseback, again, as I lead him to another place. The wind blows through my hair and I smile slightly. While my situation is terrible, Talahgard really is beautiful.

I soon come to the cliff and I pull the reins, slowing my horse. I hear Loki's horse trot up next to mine.

I look over to Loki, "We're here."

He frowns, "Where is here?"

I step down from my horse and gesture for Loki to follow. He jogs to catch up to me and I walk along the bottom of the cliff until I come to a patch of long ivy. I smile and push through, revealing a path. Loki follows close behind.

We walk through a small cave and come to a large clearing with a beautiful waterfall roaring down the side. I look over at Loki and smile at the awe on his face. He looks over, a bright smile on his lips. I blush, its been so long since he smiled at me like that. It was the day he proposed...

But, I'm dead now.

Natalia doesn't breath anymore, Reuka is all the remains. I'm doomed to see my king fall in love with someone else and leave my side forever. No, I won't let that happen.

I'm broken free from my thoughts by a splash of water over my head. I gasp and look up to see Loki laughing hysterically at me.

"Two can play at that game." I thrust my hand forward, calling for my magic. A burst of water splashes directly in his face. He sputters and looks at me in shock.

And thus, a war of water began. With both of us being magic users, we became rather intense. Eventually we both ended up lying upon the ground, soaked and exhausted. But we both had a smile on our faces. I feel... happy. I haven't felt this feeling in some time.

We stare up at the sky, watching the sun's decent and the stars debut. The bright lights shine overhead and swirls of colors mold in the dark sky.

"Reuka, look." I sit up to see Loki looking in awe at the lake surrounding the waterfall.

Small orbs of color dance along the water's surface. The colors reflect in the water as they glide across the lake. Loki walks over to them and I follow.

"What are they?" He asks, his eyes wide in wonder. It reminds me of a child.

"Geests. On Midguard, they are regarded as sprites. They are water spirits that protect the lake." I explain.

"Beautiful..." He whispers.

I giggle, "Are they not?"

I look at Loki, watching as the colors dance across his features. His eyes almost shine and I cannot help but to stare. He turns and meets my gaze. I see the happiness in his eyes, but behind it all, I see the damage. The emptiness he feels in his soul. Tears well up in my eyes.

"You remind me of her. So beautiful and kind. Your magic as well, you're so similar. I know it's because you're sisters, but I cannot help it. There's something else as well. It's your eyes. They sparkle as hers' did." Loki says and starts to close the gap between us.

"I miss you," I say. Loki's eyes glaze over as if he's in a trance.

"Natalia. I love you," He places his hand on my cheek.

"Loki..." I trail off.

He leans forward and closes the gap even more. I close my eyes and place my hands on his chest. Maybe... maybe my love will come back to me.

I wait for his kiss, but it never comes. I feel his hands leave me and his warmth is gone. I open my eyes and blink at him in confusion. He shakes his head, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I-I'll be going back to the palace. It is getting to be quite late."


He ignores me and I watch helplessly as he leaves. I feel tears of mine own and I fall to my knees. I scream in complete heartbreak. I sob violently and loudly. What have I done? He'll never look at me again. I've ruined my chance. Loki is forever lost to me.


Why me? Why does life always deal me the despair? And it's not only me this time, but my dear Loki as well. He's had enough heartbreak, enough sadness. I thought I could make him happier, if only a little. But I failed, its all my fault that he's in pain. That Loki is suffering. It's all my fault.

I fall onto my hands, my tears hitting the soft grass. My despair turns to anger. Anger to rage. I ball my hands into a fist, digging into the dirt. I roar, rage coursing through my viens. There will be blood. I WILL make sure of that. No one that has done my love and I wrong will live. I'll kill them all! Mother... Trust this, trust that I'll make you regret that you ever showed your face in Asgard. Trust that heads will roll.

Trust my rage...

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