Chapter 5

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(This is how I imagine the dining room to look but the tapestries and decorations are dark and the wood is darker)

*Your P.O.V.*

Again, the hallways seemed to go on forever but Dark Link obviously knew where he was going. He carried you until you reached a dining room. "Did you really have to kill them?," you ask innocently as he sets you down at the head of a well over 10 person table. "Of course," he states simply. A stubby moblin emerges from, what you think was, the kitchen and walks over to Dark Link, speaking in grunts. "This is one of the cooks," he states plainly, "what do you want?" A moblin as a cook? "Umm, well- cucco eggs and toast?" Dark Link turns to the creature, "Same." The bumbling minion walks away with what seemed to be a confirmation grunt."What time is it?," you ask after a moment of silence. He leans back in his chair and stretches, "About mid-morning."

"I still think you shouldn't have killed them," you blurt out. He looks at you bewildered and you look straight down at your hands. "They regenerate inevitably," Dark Link states and stares at you, "why do you care?" You continue to look down at your hands, "Well.. they-they didn't know I was here with you a-and...," you stutter, "I just don't think it's fair, they were only doing their duty..." He stares at you more, completely intrigued. "O.k.," he replies after a moment of thinking. "Okay?," you ask, thoroughly confused. "Yeah, o.k.," he says once more with a smile. Once your food came, you both sat in a comfortable silence.

The rest of the day was alright between you and Dark Link. After breakfast you changed into a simple (f/c) dress that one of the maids (which looked humanoid but you had no clue what she was) had given you. He took you on a tour of the entire East wing of the castle and by that time is was late afternoon. You both talked about simple random things and seemed to be hitting it off quite well. There were times to where neither of you would respond with a full sentence but that never stopped the conversation.

After lunch he took you to the back of the castle; there were stables, an armory, patches of land baring vegetables, an small orchard of apple trees, and a garden. The garden was stunning; vibrant green, white, and pink trees lined the pathways, completely opposite from the rest of the castle and grounds. The lush garden full of wisteria, crabapple, crape myrtle, and redbud; all of which breathtaking and perfectly blending together, not a speck of black or gray in sight.

It was almost dusk when you two found a bench to relax on. You started to wonder where you would sleep for the night, there was NO WAY you wanted to sleep in that germ infested, orgy bed. "What's wrong?," Dark asks, seeing you were bothered by your thought. "Huh? Oh, my throat just hurts. This is the most I've spoken in awhile, besides yesterday...," you lie. "I know that's not it, (y/n)," he says as a matter of fact. You sigh, "Well... I was just- thinking about where I would sleep for tonight.." A spec of hurt could be seen in his face, "You feel that uncomfortable sharing a bed?," he asks while staring strict in front of him. "No, no, it's not exactly that.. I ... uh... I-," your speech starts to slow as you blush and remember the things you found under the covers.

"Youuuu?," Dark Link asks, getting slightly impatient. "I found things...," you reply, sounding like an embarrassed child. From the corner of your eye, you could see him sit straight up and feel his nervousness. "You, um, found things...where?" You weren't certain, but you were pretty sure his face was 20 times brighter red than yours. There is no way I can look at him.. "In your bed..." Dark Link practically stops breathing, "I.. um, don't quite -cough- I feel like I know what the uh things are.."

*Dark Link's P.O.V*

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! She will not look at me! Not that I even want her to, I can tell I'm beyond the brightest shade of red Ever! GODDESS FUCKING DA- She stared talking, FUCK! "I'm not that kind of person!" I say so quickly and loud that (y/n) jumps a little. "What kind is person are you then?," she asks, looking up at me. She looks so uncomfortable; I don't even know how to respond. "One that I hope you can come to love...," I trail off. I'm not 100% sure if I love her or not but I do know is that I would never leave her side.

Her eyes widen and she looks away from me entirely, I can tell not out of disgust but embarrassment. "A-as long as you can assure me that the sheets are clean and you get rid of the genitalia shaped.. things... um, I-i guess I'm okay..." The words spew out now her mouth sporadically as she continues to look to her side. She is so innocent and I can't help but think how cute she looks flustered. I snicker and put back on my cool guy visage, "You mean penis." I look at her and wait for the reaction. "Genitalia!," she squeaks back. This will be fun. "Just say penis." "NO!" I lean close to her and right before my lips are about to touch her ear I whisper, "penis." "Stop, Dark!," she yell laughs at me. "O.k., fine," I say while laughing huskily. I flash her a smirk and she smiles back, giggling. I SO! want to kiss her. I discreetly try to scoot closer to her and wrap my arm around her waist but she starts speaking. "Then nothings happened in that bed?," she speaks and I quickly retract my hand. "Not yet," I say with a wink, attempting to act cute. (Y/n) blushes and back hands my chest, I laugh and rub the nonexistent pain away.

"I promise you, no crazy orgys or anything have happened since this castle became mine," I saw after a short moment of silence. "What happened before the castle was yours?...," she asks looking slightly scared for my response. I just laugh some more. "Story for another day," I say seriously and stand up, "Don't worry though, I've changed ALL the furniture." "EW! Never mind!," she laughs and gets up with me.

"I'm pretty tired now," I head (y/n) say as we near the castle. "Need me to carry you, beautiful?," I ask smirking and looking back at her. (Y/n) completely stops. "Yeah," she replies and lifts her arms up. I chuckle inwardly and pick her up bridal style. "No funny business," she states, half asleep. Smiling deeply, I kiss her forehead, "Never without your consent." Once we get to our bedroom, I slip her under the covers and go to change slightly. "Don't let your elongated genitalia poke me again." (Y/n) says as I walk in with just pajama bottoms on. "It's called a boner," I rebut as I scoot close to her under the sheets. "No," she replies, wrapping her arm around my torso and placing her head on my chest. I tense slightly at her direct action but relax as soon as euphoria hits. She's cuddling me! YES!!

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