Chapter 9

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*Julien's P.O.V.*

Walking to Lord Shadow's room, I recap the commotion between out master and 'the mistress'. Frankly, I could not be happier. So far every step and precaution I have taken to ensure out Dark Lord stay his sinister self had been for not. We will never take over Hyrule if the master keeps going soft for some mortal girl. "Good morning, mistress (Y/n), " I say, entering Lord Shadow's quarters. She is sitting at the edge of his bed and looks out of character. Her facial expressions are twisted between one of anger and brokenness, neither of which at all lady like. "What is the matter, your highness?," I ask putting on my best concerned act. Oh how I wish I could just kill her already. She sighs and continues to look at the ground, "Nothing." Looking at me and then looking back to the ground she speaks in a quiet voice, "Could- you escort me on a walk?" I must say, I was taken by surprise at her request. What does she have planned? "Of course," I reply with a wide false smile.

So far, durning the entire walk in the garden, she is fidgety and looking around for something. "Mistress?" She jumps and looks at me. "Y-yeah?" "Do you with to talk about anything?" "Let's talk about you," she replies instantly, surprising me once again. "What do you wish to know?" "Oh-um. And anything I guess..." Looking up at me I could tell she wanted to talk to escape from her thoughts. Why not humor her.

"My role in the castle?," I suggest and she nods. "Well in essence, I am Lord Shadow's right hand man. I am his main advisor as well as head of his military and a combat specialist, I've taught the master everything he knows along with everything his good counterpart knows." "Sounds stressful..." I chuckle and look and the falling leaves of the wisteria, "It can be at times but is definitely rewarding." "So.. you're happy then?" I roll my eyes, would this girl stop saying strange things? I look back at her small figure before facing forward and pour more charm into my words, "I guess so. Are you happy?"

From my peripheral, I see her stop walking. "I guess not..." I walk towards her and lower my lips to her ear, "Would you like to leave?," I whisper. She stiffens and a guilty expression rises on her face. I smirk and continue, "Later tonight I will come and help you escape." "But... what about Dark?.." "Lord Shadow? He will not be back for a minimum of three days." The girl was hesitant but after a moment, she nods. "Perfect," I leer and place a hand on her back to lead her to the castle, "Now, let us pack for your journey."

*Link's P.O.V.*

Night had just fallen and my determination had only grown as I neared Dark Link's castle. O.k. strategy? I could scale the wall with my hook shot but I don't know which room she is in- As I was in though, I saw a bush rustle to my side. I quickly draw my sword and heard a loud squeak as something humanoid emerges from the shrubbery. "(Y/n)!," I yell happily and tightly embrace her.

"Link?! What are you doing here?," she whisper yells at me. " I came to save you, of course," I smile over joyed she's safe and continue, "Your family and I were worried about you. How did you get out of the castle?" She looks down at the earth, "I got help from Dark's lead advisor. Dark is gone so Julien helped me escape..." "Someone one the inside? Really?" "C-can we go now, please?" Everything about her is sad, from the tone of her voice to her body language. "Of course," I take her in another embrace before walking back to Epona and lifting her onto the saddle. What happened in that castle?..

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