Chapter 12 cont'd

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Right before Link's lips could touch yours, an gray and black arrow pierces Link's hat and rips it off of his head. What the?... "Hello there, Hero," Dark sneers and looks straight at you with a disgusted expression, "(Y/n)." "What do you want?," Link exclaims, standing and ready to make a dash to the equipment he left by Epona. "Oh, just taking a stroll before my army arrives. Thought I'd break apart this love fest while I wait." Dark looked hurt as his eyes flickered between you and Link. Link's eyes go wide and his stance becomes ridged, "Army for what?," he says dangerously. "You'll see," Shadow replies with the sinister smile. Link scrunched his nose in anger and sprints to his sword and shield, Dark Link right behind him.

"NO!," you scream out. Link grabs his sword right as Dark swings downwards, blocking the attack. As their swords clash, it looks like neither of the boys will win. Link parrys and Dark nearly dodges."Link! Stop!" Link hesitates at your words, Dark takes the opportunity to hit Link on the head with the flat of his blade, knocking the blonde boy out. You run over to stop Dark from doing any further damage. "Please stop!," you say as you push on his chest. He stops, but only to look down and glare at you.

*Dark Link's P.O.V.*

She leaves me for him and now she thinks she can control me?! I push (Y/n) aside, I lift my sword to finish Link when I feel her gripping my sword arm. "Ge-get off me!," I thrash and try to wiggle my arm but she won't fucking let go! "(Y/N)! If you don't let go of me, so hemp me Goddesses, I-" I stop abruptly when I see the tears streaming down her face.

She looks up at me with a sad, heart breaking expression and releases my arm, only to wrap her arms around my torso. "(Y-y/n)?..." "I -hic- missed yo-ou," she cries into my sternum and tightens her grip. I am beyond shocked but I relax and drop my sword, wrapping my right around her and using my left hand to rub her hair. "Why did you leave?," I ask softly. "I wa-as scared." "Of me?..." I feel her shake her head no, "Mainly I was a-angry." "I swear to you, (Y/n), I didn't kill off your village." She snuggles closer to me and sighs, calming herself, "Then wh-"

"You bunch of imbeciles!," I hear a familiar voice yell. "Julien?," I ask out loud. "All you had to fucking do was leave the girl and we could have easily taken over Hyrule!," he yells from the tree lining. "Julien, what are you talking about?," I say harshly, gripping onto (y/n) tighter. "Are you that bull headed to believe that an intruder if any type would be able to get into the castle on my watch?!" I stand there dumbfounded at my head advisor and best friend as the pieces click together. "And that... BITCH! She's like a fucking cockroach! The ONE person I don't kill and it's HER!" I feel something snap as I feel my love shake, "You're the one who killed (Y/n)'s village!," I yell more like a statement, dangerously close to slice his throat. "No duh, sire," he replies mockingly. "Then you die!!," I scream as I let go of (Y/n) and sprint to the trees.

Seeing as that he was the one who taught me how to fight, he easily dodged my first attack. I continue to chase after him, slashing and stabbing with all my anger poured into my sword. "You can't fucking beat me," he scoffs after another failed attempt to use a spin attack to decapitate him. I growl as Julien swiped at my right leg, I barely dodge but not with out sustaining some damage, I glance over to (Y/n), she's watching the fight from Link's side, occasionally whipping tears that obscured her vision.

Calm down, Shadow I think, taking a deep breath and tightening my grip on my dark Master Sword, Win this for (Y/n), strategize. Julien and I stand two yards from each other, staring and analyzing one another's stance. I charge again, hoping to fake him out with a side slash and swipe his legs from underneath him. As I switch the direction of my sword, I hear a harsh laugh and find Julien's sword pierced through my right shoulder. Fucking useless right side. "Must suck to be a leftie, huh, sire?," Julien mocks once again, kicking me in the stomach and sending me flying a few feet.

"No," I reply after staggering to my feet, "It's an advantage." Smirking, I throw a deku nut towards him , he easily deflects it but as he turns to face me I catch him off guard and use a jump attack and fatal blow combined. I land and twist my sword, digging the blade further into him. My 'advisor' glares at me with enough rage to kill a hoard of kikwis on sight, he coughs up a mouthful of red liquid before falling straight backwards. I let my shoulders slump and take deep breaths l, realizing I had killed the man whom I though was my best friend.

I can feel (Y/n)'s eyes and any sense of remorse or regret is gone. "Fucking ass-hat," I slur down at the body.i take my sword out of Julien and walk over to (Y/n), who is tending to a now conscious Link. "Babe, I'm gonna need some help in a minute." "First you need to call off your legion of warriors,"Link spits at me. I scoff. "You wish you had a legion, fair boy," I snap back. "Umm, Shadow..," I hear (Y/n) start. "O.k., O.k., I'm goin'. I expect a victory kiss and full body patch up when I get back though," I say flirtatiously and teleport away to stop my army.

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