Nine Months Old

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Ashton (her)
"Ashton are you ready yet?" I called out to Ashton as I strapped Harley on my chest in the carrier. Its a beautiful day outside so the three of us are going for a stroll. "Look what I got- bubbles!" Ashton cheered walking in, glasses on and his hair was tied in a bun. "Bubbles!" I laughed at how excited he is about bubbles. "Alright let's rock and roll!" He said. I opened the door and Ashton grabbed the bag with a blanket and some snacks. "It's so nice to feel the sun on your skin." I said tickling the bottom of Harley's feet. I wish my feet were as smooth as hers.
We made our way to the beach and picked a spot to settle down. Ashton laid out the blanket for us to sit on. I debated on whether or not to let Harley out of the carrier. I don't what her crawling off the blanket into the sand. I sat criss-cross on blanket and just loosened the carrier so she wasn't tightly sucked onto me. "It's bubble time!" Ashton said spinning open the top. He took the yellow wand out and blew bubbles into the salty air. Harley was immediately captivated. "Whoa look Harls!" I pointed to the round shiny bubbles floating around us. Her tiny hazel eyes followed them. "They can pop too," Ashton poked one and she watched the raining suds in awe. Then he blew more in her face and she waved her hands around trying to clap one. She giggled when one popped on her skin. "Great idea Ash." I said as Harley continued. He blew more bubbles then with a cocky grin said, "What can I say, I'm the greatest dad."
Calum (his)
I went downstairs to have my morning coffee with Rachel before she left for work. Bird was already awake and in her highchair beside Rachel. "Good Morning Rache" I kissed her cheek. "Good morning Calum." I poured myself some coffee and sat down across from them. "I think we have a tiny problem," she motioned toward the baby. "What?" I asked running my finger around the cup. "Bird woke up about three times last night and whenever I tried to leave her she would start crying. She may be experiencing separation anxiety which basically means she has the cognitive ability to understand that we exist, even when she can't she us." She said. I must be a heavy sleeper cause I had no idea this was happening. "Oh man..." I took a sip of my drink. She looked at her watch and  stood up, "I go to go. Bye." She leaned over and kissed me goodbye then whispered, "watch this." I nodded and Rachel kissed Birds head then started to walk out. Birds eyes followed Rachel. "Mommy is leaving for work. She'll be back soon!" She said upbeat. Bird started crying seeing Rachel leave. Rachel gave me one last look, sighed then left. "It's ok Bird. Daddy's still here!" I calmed her.  I picked her up and brought her to the front window. "There mommy goes but she'll be back before you know it! Let's wave!" I grabbed her hand and waved it for her as a few tears trickled down her cheek.
Over the course of the day a gave Bird an opportunity to practice separating by playing an extended version of peek-a-boo . I disappeared from her sight for a few seconds behind, for example the couch and then reemerged. It went ok. Bird didn't have one of her freak outs. I don't think her separation anxiety is a huge problem. Mostly because I would get separation anxiety if she was away from me for more then minute.
Luke (her)
"Lunch time Chase!" I said setting a bowl of applesauce in front of him. He squirmed in his highchair excited for food. "Wait let me put your bib on first," I tied his blue bib on him then realized he didn't have a spoon. "Now you need a spoon! There's something wrong with Mummy's brain today." I walked over to the silverware drawer and picked out his spoon with fishes on it. When I turned around Chase was cover in applesauce. He giggled looking at me and splashed his hands in the bowl. "Oh dear... I should've gotten the spoon then given you your food." I couldn't help but laugh. Luke walked in, home from a meeting. He paused and looked at what was happening, "What's going on in here?!" Luke laughed seeing Chase covered in his food. "Is any of that actually getting in your mouth?!" Luke continued and sat down on the other side of him. "I'm really not sure." I laughed gripping a napkin. I tried fighting the urge of wiping his face, bib, shirt, hands, and highchair. I really don't like Chase messy or anywhere around him messy yet I leave dirty clothes on the floor. I'm weird like that. Luke eyed me, "I see you wanting to clean up this mess." I looked at Chase then Luke shaking my head. "Trying so hard to let him have his fun..." I said squeezing the napkin just wanting to wipe his face. "You're going to cave I know it." Luke teased laughing. "Nope. I'm just going to sit here." I said. "Ok good because I'm sure this will make it better," he said taking a handful of applesauce and smearing it on Chases forehead- the one clean spot that was on his face. Chase giggled going along with it. I cringed standing my ground. "Oh yeah... Makes it better." Just. Want. To. Wipe. Face. "So does this" Luke spooned some more and smeared it on my forehead this time. "You're daddy's hilarious." I said sarcastically turning to Chase. My turn to get Luke messy. I took a handful and threw it across the table at Luke. "I see how it is!" He laughed and threw some more at me which made me retaliate back. When there was no more applesauce left, we stopped to catch our breaths. "Still not going to clean it?" Luke smirked. I got up from the table and pushed in my chair. "Nope. You are." 
Michael (his)
"Where are you guys going?" I asked the boys. We were playing in their room while Michael was doing something band related in our room. Dylan led the way to the hallway with Jackson and I not too far behind. He entered the guest room which I was hesitate about them entering. There were a few breakable items and things on the floor waiting to be moved. I watched the boys carefully. Dylan was crawling near this glass chandelier and of course Jackson was heading towards it to. "Boys no!" I said sternly. They need to know the meaning of no and understand what's dangerous. I quickly turned Jackson the other way then Dylan. But they turned back around. "No, that is dangerous." I grabbed both of them and walked out of the room. I placed them down on the hallway floor then closed the door behind me. They were fussy for a moment then found a new room- Michael and I's. The door was a crack open. Mike was at the desk typing away with to Sum 41 playing quietly. The twins pushed open the door with their heads and found daddy. They squealed when they saw him, mad at me for dragging them out of the guest room. "Boys, daddy's working." I said as I walked in. Michael turned away from his laptop. "Look at these monkeys!" Michael yelled excitedly. The boys laughed at their crazy father. "I'm gona getcha!" He picked up Dylan, held him high then placed him on our bed showering him with tickles. "Don't think I forgot about you JackJack!" He picked up Jackson and did the same. I sat on the side of the bed admiring my boys. Michael sat on the other side opposite from me. "Getting stuff done?" I asked him as the boys continued to settle down. Michael looked at me with dark clouded eyes. I know that look.... It's almost like the look he had during the days when he was going through his mental health problems a couple years ago. Concern, worry, and a hint of fear washed over me. "I don't know Char.... Everything's starting up again."

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