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I walk through the doors to the class room and hear gasps coming from all parts of the room.
"What's he doing with her?"
"Hey, have you seen her before?"
"The poor thing is going to get her heart broken by that boy."
Looking at my mate questioningly, I ask "Why is everyone saying stuff like that?"
   "Before you, everyone saw me as a player. Now I'm sticking to one girl. And that's you."
   I look up at him and give him a peck on the cheek before sitting down at an empty desk. There were two empty desks next to me. My amazing mate sat down in one of them of course, and a guy came in, almost as hot as my mate. Almost. Deep blue eyes and brown flippy hair. Toned skin and a strong jaw line. Almost as tall as my mate. I'm surprised he looks this hot because he's not a werewolf. He takes the seat on the other side of me and starts saying cheesy pick up lines like "are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see." I reply "No, I'm actually from California." My mate stifles a laugh,  and everyone looks at him like he grew two heads. He growls out "What the hell are you looking at!" I put a hand on his shoulder, and he instantly calms. Power!!! 
  The other guy turns around seeing that he's not going to get very far. My mate rolls his eyes when I say, "Don't worry, your the only one for me." He smiles a little, and says "I don't know, you were looking at him like he was a new chew toy." I slap his arm lightly, and we turn back to the front of the class. The teacher finally calls our attention to the front of the class, and she starts the lecture. Boring!
   I feel a hand on my knee, and feel electricity bursting up through my leg. I lace our fingers together and smile softly to myself. On the other leg, I feel a hand. I know this one isn't my mates' hand because I don't feel any sparks. I suddenly realize that it's the guy next to me. He finds my other hand and grabs it, lacing our fingers. I awkwardly pull my hand away and lay it on top of the table in front of me. I hear him sigh slightly, and feel my mate looking at me. He didn't notice the guy trying to grab my hand. Good.
   The bell startles me, and I quickly push out my chair, standing up and nearly bolting out of the room with my mate in tow. This is going to be an interesting year...
There you go my peeps! Sorry it to so long to update,  but I have been taking care of my baby sis. Like and comment and all that good shiz. Byeee!!!

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