He plays with toys

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You had been recently brought to Wammy's. You were 15 when your parents had abandoned you and left you on the street. While being at Wammy's you had friended Matt and Mello. They were best friends but you soon became good friends with them also. They helped you adjust to your new life the first few days. You were very grateful to them. But you were more of an outsider. You didn't enjoy people's company to much you liked to be alone but Mello and Matt were an exception.

--flash back--

You laid in your bed awake. You couldn't sleep. This was your first night here. I have already made two friends but can I actually fit in with the others? Thoughts swirled through your mind. You just couldn't sleep. It felt like hours that you just laid there. You decided to get up and leave your room. Wait isn't there a curfew? You thought while stepping out of the small room. You made your way down the hallway anyways. Even if someone does find me I can just tell them I'm new and I didn't know. You thought. Your socks padded against the floor until you saw a door with the words "library" by it.

You peeked inside. The lights were very dim and it seemed empty. You moved inside and walked through the rows of book shelfs and scanned them. You stopped quickly as you noticed a small white figure sitting in one of the rows. You ducked behind one of the shelves hoping the person didn't hear you.

The figure knocked over his toy robot making the library echo causing you to jump. "Please come out. I know you are there." The flat quiet voice said making you freeze.
You watched the snow haired boy twirl his soft hair around his finger with one hand and play with a toy train with the other.

You slowly walked towards him looking down. "I'm sorry I know there is a curfew but-" he cut you off "you couldn't sleep. Lots if things about this place are on your mind. Your new." He said monotonously.

'He's smart.'

"How did you know?" You asked. He still didn't face you instead he seemed to be more Interested in his toy robot. He didn't answer your question. Rude. You finally spoke up after a long awkward silence. "I'm (f/n), whats your name?"

"Near." He simply answered. This must be the boy Mello told me about. He turned and you looked at his deep grey eyes. They looked .... Boring. "Well it was nice to meet you Near I'm going to go back to my room." You said awkwardly. Things were awkward enough you just wanted to go back to your room. Something about this boy made you uncomfortable. "I understand. I'm not the most entertaining person to be with." He said blankly. You then felt bad but waved and walked back towards your room. Now you really couldn't sleep.

The next day you had dark bags under your eyes. It's been days since you had had a good night of sleep. You joined everyone for breakfast and the first thing you noticed was Near sitting in the back corner by himself playing with his toys. You wanted to go to him but at the same time you were worried he didn't like you. You decided not to join him and ate with Matt instead.

You began a strange habit of watching Near. It's not like you wanted to but
This particular boy interested you. The way he was always alone playing with toys. Almost like you except you liked video games a little more than toys. Probably because Matt hooked you up with all his best games.

He pulled a little box from under a table and dumped it into the floor. Dominos scattered the floor and he quietly stood them all up. His emotionless black eyes laid on his current project. You hadn't even realized that some days you would stand a little ways away from him and watch him. You wanted to talk to him again. Maybe he's lonely and needs a friend? Or maybe he's bullied. You thought. You bit your lip and slowly made your way to him until you were about 5 feet away from him.

"I was wondering when you would approach me again. You seem to take quite a liking to watching me." He said monotonously. Your eyes widened. How did he even know I was there? You were standing behind him. He stayed facing the other way and tapped a pale finger against a domino. They all fell in a trail around him. "So (f/n)" why do I interest you so much?" You smiled a little and tried not to giggle. You actually felt a little happy.
"Well I notice you don't play with the other children and that you prefer to be alone. I'm a lot like you." You said quietly. He twirled a white curl in his fingers. "I thought so." You looked around the room and found a pen and a sheet of paper and sat down across from him looking at his figure. He dressed in all white like an angel. His curly white hair was wrapped around his finger and he had one leg knee up.

You scribbled the pen across the paper sketching him. His hair, his eyes, and his hands holding a toy robot. You Finished and smiled at the drawing satisfied. He just continued to play with his toys silently.

"Please show me your drawing of me." He said in his plain voice. You weren't even suprised he knew everything anymore. You turned the paper towards him and his eyes scanned it.

"So this is how you depict me? It's Quite interesting seeing someone's else's view of me." He picked up the nearby toy robot that resembled the one in your drawing and stood it up in front of him. "Do you have any friends here?" You asked him hoping he wouldn't take offense to the question. "Friends betray each other. That's the reason I choose not to  have any." And with that he knocked over the robot. It clunked to the ground. The sound echoed around the small room. "I guess your right. But if I was your friend I wouldn't betray you." You said softly. "I know." He simply answered. "I know a lot more about you than you think." He again spoke. You looked up. "What do you mean?" You asked confused. He didn't answer and he started to stack the dominos around the room. You watched him silently stand them around in a long twisting line. He just continued to line them up with you watching. It was quite some time before he sat back down in the middle and tapped the closest domino to him. They began to fall causing a wave of them to continue to knock down. They went on and on until the final domino fell over with a "clink". Your mouth dropped open slightly when you realized what the dominos had spelled out. "(F/n) (l/n)" . You stared In amazement. "How-" he again cut you off like he sometimes did. "Like I said. I know more about you than you think." You decided to stay silent. How does he know my full name? Here at Wammy's we use Aliases. Your alias was (your alias). You   sat down across from him. "Tell me about yourself because obviously you don't need to know about me if what you say is true." You say waiting for his reply. "There isn't anything to know about me." He said twirling his finger in his snowy locks. He then reached and pressed his hand over your heart. You quickly backed away. "Your heart is beating very fast. Are you nervous around me?" You narrowed your eyes at him. "No." He looked down a little. "Liar." You felt your face heat up. You stood and left. His presence made you uncomfortable yet again.

(This is the first chapter :) there isn't many people who read near x reader so in order for me to write the next chapter I want this one to get at least 5 votes. I'm sorry but I don't want to write for another 2 hours if no one is going to read it :( so if you want there to be another chapter please vote! :))

(Near x reader) Lego HouseWhere stories live. Discover now