Chapter Eight

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We've been here for a while now. It's been fun. We all talked getting to know each other. Played never have I ever. Which I had to take a drink every time but them being kind they let me use water.
Niall and Sarah are walking on the beach hand in hand. They are both so precious and sweet. She's shy and he's very outgoing. It's just perfect the way they look into each others eyes with so much love.

Jennifer and Jack are both party animals. They had met by hooking up at a party. They are just very enthusiastic. He is sitting on his bike while she is standing between we legs making out with him.

Ed and Taylor met at a bar she was waiting tables and he was performing with his band in stage. It's quiet cute really. She is very outspoken not afraid to say anything which I admire. Then Ed is really funny but so nice I can't really believe how nice he is it's shocking. They are both still sitting by the pit saying sweet nothings in each other's ears.

But anyways me and Zayn are sitting on top the pier swinging our legs. His arm is around me, my head is on his shoulder as we stare out to the ocean.

I feel my phone buzz and reach into my pocket taking it out. I look at the screen and see I have a text from Gemma.

Hey I heard what happened with Liam. What was all that about? Plus I heard you left with a guy. Harry is upset saying he's bad news. Is he the reason why you were mad at Liam ? And your mum is home with mine. Get home soon if you don't want to get in trouble please talk to me soon ok? Xxxxx

I sigh loudly annoyed with the fact that they were talking about me.
"You alright?" His raspy voice is deep.

"Yeah I'm fine just my friend." I smile up at him.

He slightly bites his lip. "Um could I ask you something and you not get mad?"
"Um sure what is it?" Sitting up so I could face him directly.

"I.... um... I want to have a friend that can be there for me when I need them.". He stops and I nod encouraging him to continue.

"I can't be in a relationship right now because I have just got out of a rough one. But I would like to know if you would be ok..... if me and you could be really good friends? Like you know spending time together, going out, laying around watching movies, kind of friends you know? Like I don't want to get you mad because I know I hit on you earlier and probably made you uncomfortable I just don't want to give yo the wrong idea, I've held your hand, and I just want to know if we could be close but not being in a realtionship?" He looks away biting his lip uncomfortably.

I sit there confused but processing it all in.
*So is he asking me to be like a best mate that's a girl? Is he asking me to be friends with benefits? Cause I actually know what that is because Gem used to have one with one of our young guards. Plus to be honest I wouldn't mind. I've never really had guy friends especially attractive older ones*

"So you're asking me to be a friends with benefits? Without it being awkward between us? " I ask.

"Uh um... Yeah but you don't have too.." he's says uncomfortably playing with the hem of his shirt.

I giggle. "Nah I don't mind. You'd be my first, it'll be a fun wild thing to do and like people say these days Yolo"

He nervously laughs relieved. "Ok so does this mean I can kiss you?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

I put my hands to his chest. "Woah there cowboy. We just met yesterday. But then again what the heck we're gonna get to know eachother real fast."

I bite my lip leaning in kissing him on his slightly chapped lips. He smiles and softly kisses me back then pulls away.
"Was that your first kiss?"

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