Chp.1 - Greetings. And a 'Pencil'?

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Arthur's POV

Merlin had been whining for the last hour and falling all over the place. He was so annoying sometimes, one of the worst servants I've ever had, but probably the most loyal.

"Arthur seriously, I'm going to die if we don't stop", I sighed a defeated sigh and turned to Merlin.

"Fine! Let's find a safe spot to camp", I really wanted to get back to Camalot sooner rather than later, my father the King wasn't well, and needed me there to help him rule the kingdom, but as usual I was sent to go make sure things were okay in the outlining villages of the kingdom. There has been unrest for sometime now along the borders of Mercia. Merlin jumped off his horse with a stupid grin on his face. He began to unpack the stuff while I had a look around. We would have to hunt for food tonight.

"Oh and Merlin, you can wipe that stupid smile off your face", he just made his apologies and continued working. I gathered the stuff for hunting and made sure Merlin was ready, it was like I babysitted the man!

We set off, it was getting dark, the stars were beginning to appear. We covered the camping stuff and hid the horses before we set off. We stalked for a good while, and got two rabbits, but I spotted some tracks and decided to follow them, then I saw a figure of some sort in the distance, it froze and disappeared into nowhere. What? How did an animal do that? I approached the area and signalled to Merlin to stay quiet. As we got closer I saw something making it's way toward me with great speed getting faster. Then it hit me square in the chest and wrapped tightly around me. I was unable to move, they seemed to be ropes of some sort with weights on the end, then I saw another one fly toward Merlin and hit him in the same way, causing him to fall to the ground. I really didn't need this right now.

Next thing I know a damp cloth that smells horrendous is placed over my mouth and I fall into blackness.


I woke up with a bad headache and take a look around me. We are back at our camp and it is daylight. How odd. I was tied up to Merlin who also was awake.

"Any idea what happened?", He whispers to me. What a dumb question.

"No Merlin. Of course I don't!", I snapped back.

"Sorry", he said sarcastically. Whatever.

"Oh good your awake", I heard a chirpy female voice come from behind me. She came over and looked down at us. I looked up at her, and WOW, I mean WOW, she was pretty. She had long chocolate brown hair half way down her back, two beautiful bluey, greeny, greyish eyes, how odd they were. She was wearing a tunic and trousers, yes a women wearing trousers! A bit outragious. She had a large brown leather belt around her waist and a sleeveless fur coat. I saw a sword and a dagger hanging off her waist. I wonder how well she could use them.

"What are your names please?", she looked down at the two of us with a friendly smile.

"I'm Arthur and this is my servant Merlin", I answered firmly. Maybe I shouldn't have said my name.

"And where are you from? What were you doing out here?", she asked and seemed pleased that I was willingly to cooperate. So I continued.

"We are from Camalot and we were returning from cheacking the outlining villages on the borders on Mercia. Who are you?", I questioned her. She looked at me intently before speaking. What was she doing out here by herself?

"Okay, my name is Amhrán. I just have two more questions", I nodded for her to continue, I hadn't heard such a beautiful name before.

"Why were you stalking me?", I thought it a fair question.

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