Chp.5 - New Title, New Life

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Arthur's POV

I woke feeling a cold shiver run down my spine, quickly replaced by a warmth on my body. I peeled open my tired dry eyes and looked down to see Amhrán hugging me close. I sighed in relief, though I didn't realise I felt lonely, my relief was that she stayed. She began to wake, stirring quietly. I rubbed her back gently and pulled her closer.

It's official. I love Amhrán. I should really get to know her too though...

"Arthur?", her voice was husky from sleep. 

I smiled down at her "morning".

"It's going time be a long day", she sighed and I nodded in agreement.

"I feel that if we leave this bed we will have to face reality on the side of those doors", I pointed to the double doors guarding the entrance to my room. She followed my finger and sighed. I kissed the top of her head.

"Better get dressed before Merlin bursts in, I don't he is aware you spent the night here", she nodded and began to move out of the bed.

She threw on a shirt of mine the looked like a tunic on her, then headed for the door. 

I jumped out of bed and grabbed her just as her hand rested on the handle. "Hey! Where's my kiss?" I smirked. Kissing her helped me forget the evens of last night.

"Arthur?-we-should-keep-this-quiet-for the- moment", she spoke between kisses. I sighed but nodded in agreement. It saddened me how right she was.

She smiled an empathetic smile "I know, I don't like it either". And with a final peck on the cheek she moved with stealth toward her own room.

I shut the door and headed to my desk. I wrote a short speech and a to-do-list for the next few days. Burying a king was no mean feet, and I had more than my own wishes to consider. I had the kingdoms too. After all he was their king.

Just as I'd finished up, Merlin quietly entered the room with a tray of food, some fresh clothes and a bunch of papers. "Morning your majesty". He shyly spoke, while placing the items in their places.

My head shot up in astonishment. "Majesty?" 

"Yes, my lord, you are now Your Majesty, are you not?", he spoke with a gentle tone, as to not offend. I hated this tip-toe-ing! It drives in insane!

"Just call me Arthur, Merlin. I'm not ready to be 'that' just yet", in my head I was panicking. The funeral was all organised, but I'd forgotten completely about a coronation.

"Morning Arthur, why the panicked look?" Amhrán walk in, her presence calming me slightly.

"Merlin just reminded me that I not only have my father's funeral to plan, but also a coronation", I explained.

"Well why don't we concentrate on one at a time. Now is the time to grieve and pay respects to your father. You have plenty of time after to plan a coronation. I'll help if that makes it easier for you?" Amhrán gave me this look that told me not to worry that she will help. I looked to Merlin who was nodding in agreement.

"Well then, hears a list of things that need to be sorted and done over the next few days", Merlin took the list from my hand and Amhrán read over his shoulder. 

"Just leave it to us, we will take care of it", she ripped the list across the centre, and handed half to Merlin. "I do half and you do half".

"No problem. I'll just finish my chores here first", Merlin then busied himself around my room, making it look like he was actually working. Amhrán moved toward the door and gave one last smile before walking out. 

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