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Dedicated to jhawkgrl2003 cause she inspired me to write this story after reading Let Live

Audree's POV

I stood solitary in a corner of a bustling room filled with kids my own age. Beer was being passed around in red cups and they all danced to blaring music. Girls that were beyond wasted hung over popular boys they barley knew. I sat there on the recliner in the far back, feeling pretty annoyed that my best friend, Noah, brought me to this stupid party and eventually ditched me to hang with who ever the fuck he found. I sighed. I had no idea who's house this was or even enough people here to feel comfortable. I got up and decided to go through a screen door that would hopefully lead to a nice, lonely porch. I stopped by a table to load up on snacks before I went out to see a couple of guys along with some girls basically falling out of their clothes. Great.

They looked over at me and I gave them an overly happy smile. I found a spot far away fron them and placed myself there, hoping none of them would start dry humping in my presence. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on top. A bag of unopened dorritos was in my hand. chucked it away from me. I had been overthinking so much lately and my emotions seemed to swell up as I felt truly alone for the first time in awhile. I bit my lip as a surge of intense sadness washed over me. It felt like my heart would shatter in my chest. My thoughts that I had kept away now swirled around me, reminding me of all the bad things that have happened lately.

As I sat there, near the verge of tears, I felt as if someone was watching me in the midst of my dis pair. My eyes flicked into the corners to see someone was indeed watching me. He was from the group that was already there when i entered. He was the tallest among them all, with short brown hair and soft brown eyes that seemed to study me. I looked away to avoid his gaze. Soon the group decided to go inside and I felt relief at now being actually alone. My eyes shut for only a few moments before I heard someone clear their throat.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see it was that same boy who was staring at me earlier. He was a lot taller and way more attractive than I thought. He gave me a gentle smile.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked.

I shook my head no and he sat down on the floor with me.

It felt awkward sitting next to this stranger without saying anything. He probably felt that way too. "Soo..." he started, "I know we don't know each other, but I couldn't help but notice you didn't seemed that happy all by yourself. And maybe it makes you a bit uncomfortable having a stranger ask you if something's bothering you, but I'm asking anyway. No one deserves to feel miserable by themselves." He finished quietly.

Pfft. This kid. It's like he could read what I felt as if I had a sign over my head advertising it. I met his own gaze and returned a small smile. "It's kind of scary how you could get all that from just looking at me. And no, it doesn't freak me out that you're asking me, it's actually really sweet."

"So you're alright now?" His smile widened as he asked. I thought it over "Yeah...I am." I felt my heart skip a little as I looked at him. He already had laugh lines from smiling and being probably happy so much. I couldn't help but feel happy just looking at him.

"Awesome. Wait did you come here all by yourself?" His sudden eagerness made me giggle. "No, I was dragged here by my friend and now I can't find him anywhere."

"Hmmm, well, I'd say you should hang out with me, pretty little lady, cause I'd make sure you'd have the best time ever." He grinned at me and I felt my cheeks burn a little.

"Well sir, I don't think i can refuse such an offer." I said sarcastically.

"Come inside with me. I just remembered something." He offered me his hand and I took it. He pulled me up with him and quickly led me inside. "What are doing?" "We're going upstairs! I hope you like moshing." I was confused. What the hell did he mean? We went upstairs and entered a room packed with kids. He turned to face me. "Okay. I was kidding about you having to mosh. But can you stay and check out my band, Call it even? It's our first time really performing for an audience and it would mean so much if yu-" I cut him off "Yes, I'll stay!" I said chuckling. "Sweet! I'll see you afterward!" He let go of my hand and disappeared into the mass of people. My heart had been racing the whole time. I didn't even know his name and i already liked him so much. A rush of happiness went through me and I followed the sound of a mic being toyed with.

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