Chapter 4: I'm just the boy who's had too many chances

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Austin POV

I nodded off to sleep but I woke up fairly early for having jet lag. I was sprawled over in the tiny black couch in the Luna house. I looked around and realized it was probably the break of dawn. No one was up yet, and I decided that I might as well get up and make some waffles for Audree, Roman and Aunt Leah. I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and looked through it.

2 missed calls. 4 text messages. All from Kate.

Hey honey, hope ur flight was goodd. i missd u nd i hope u can plan 2 c me soon :-)

I sighed. I handn't thought much of her since I saw Audree last night. I looked through them and stopped at the last one.

heyy bby i hope everythin went well. u didnt call me last nite lik u said u wuld. im not mad but pls call me bck i relly wanna c u. i love u

She said she loved me. Why? We've been dating for only 5 months. She couldn't possibly love me. Or maybe she did, and I just wasn't at that stage yet. I liked her a lot, but didn't miss her so terribly like I did with other people. Something was wrong with that thought, I knew it, but it didn't matter. It was what I felt. I didn't know what to say.

I'd call her later. I didn't want to say I love you back if I didn't feel it. I wasn't going to break up with her over it, but it bothered me a lot. I got up and went into the kitchen and put on some instant coffee and waffles in the waffle iron. I tried to distract myself from Kate, because something lacked in this relationship. That's why I couldn't say I love you.

I heard a loud yawn echo through the house. "Morning sleepyhead!"

"Morning" was murmured behind me. I heard sniffing. "Hey, you're making breakfast?" she said with more enthusiasm. "Yep!" I popped the p.

"Sweeet. How'd ya sleep?" I heard her shuffling around. "Like a kitten. I dreamed that Noah was in my band and he was a chick magnet." "Yikes." It sounded like she had something in her mouth. I turned slowly to face her at the the refrigerator with an apple in her hand. She looked tired, and had only one sock on for some reason. I met her gaze but she quickly looked away. What was up with that?

"So, how'd you sleep?" I asked to avoid any more awkwardness.

"Like a flipping baby. Huh, at like 2."


"Eh, my mind didn't want to go to sleep. It was like thinking about a million of the most random things all at once but it's okay. I sleep a lot more than I used to lately..." Her face seemed to be lost in thought. She was so confusing sometimes, but she was cute in a strange way when she scrunched her nose while she thought.

"We should get that tattoo you wanted after prom." I blurted out.

She looked up at me and raised a single eye brow. "Remember that design you showed me that you wanna get on your back? We should go and get it cause I know it's for your mom and I know you've been saving up. I know this guy back in Ohio who did some work on me and I can take you to him." She looked at me unsurely.

"Why would I go to Ohio just to get one tattoo, Austin?" she scoffed.

"Um, well, I don't know, cause I wanna bring you with me over the summer when I go back?"

Her eyes widened. "No. Y-you're joking." "I'm not." I said with a grin. "Austin, I can tell when you're messing with me!"

"But I'm not messing with you!" I hollered with a laugh.

She was silent, but a wide and beautiful smile was starting to part her lips. "Really?" she finally asked.

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and started spinning her around. "REALLY!" she and I were in fits of giggles as we spun and spun before we heard a timer for the waffles go off. I finally set her down and she still had a big happy expression on her face. I went to go get the waffles before they burnt. "Wait," she started "You can't take me anywhere until you ask Aunt Leah."

I bit off a piece of waffle. "Already did. She's cool with it."

"Oh, okay. So you're just taking me....?" I knew what she was getting at.

"Yeah, just you. I need my best friend there to keep from killing myself from stress and boredom everyday. And you help to motivate me to write songs."

She came up behind me and snatched a bit of waffle. "How do I inspire you to write music, Mr. Carlile? Please enlighten me."

"Hmmm. Well. You, my lady, are pretty damn interesting. You giggle over nothing sometimes. You are afraid of lizards, but not snakes. You are also pretty cute when you concentrate on painting your nails perfectly."

Shit. Did I really just say that?

"Is there any other way I inspire you, Mr. Carlile?"

"You inspire me everyday, Miss Luna, it would take too long to list everyway you impact me."

All of this was true. And stuff I was afraid to say to her. Why was it all coming out?

Luckily I heard another yawn from not to far away and a soft voice screech "Morning!"

I turned around and went straight to grab both Roman and Aunt Leah in my arms.

"Oh my, Austin. I didn't know you were here!" Leah said with a chuckle.

Roman groaned. "It's good to see you, bro. But it's too early for me to get tackled by you, okay?" I let them both go. Roman looked a lot like Noah, they could be twins at a glance, except Roman was slightly taller and had dark Auburn hair. Leah gave me a gentle smile. She reminded me so much of my mom, but she was significantly shorter and was lighter.

Roman sniffed the air once and grinned at me. "Have I ever told you I loved having you over?"  Yeah, cause I always cooked for everyone. And with that breakfast was served and we all sat down. Aunt Leah asked me about my trip and how it was going so far. Roman would occasionally butt in and ask if I had been asked for autographs yet or something like if I had endorsements from companies. But Audree was quiet and kept out of the conversation until Roman brought up how Kate was doing,

"Kate? Oh Austin, you have a girlfriend named Kate? Tell me about her!" she had this look in her eyes while she smiled. It was almost like disapproval. "Um...I haven't seen her lately. We've been together for like 5 months and I've been gone for more than half of that time. But she's doing well from what I last heard. She's a pretty cool girl." My eyes flicked to Audree, who was looking up at the celling.

"I guess."

Maybe it was intuition, but I could tell the mood changed once Kate was mentioned. Maybe everyone in this room was psychic and could see what I had been ignoring, that my relationship with her wasn't quite right. Audree, for a small fraction of a second, seemed to look jealous. But perhaps I mistaken jealousy for disapproval. Part of me wanted Audree to feel that way about Kate, because it would mean she felt something for me And another, more ensured part of me told me that Audree could never feel that way because she didn't feel I was anything more than a friend. A brother.

A Roman.

I mentally groaned thinking I would be placed in the same level as her brother.

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