Chapter 16

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J.T.'s POV

We'd been on the flight home for the past two hours. The past hour I've been pretending to be sleeping, because I really need some time to think.

It had been so close. I could've lost Porter, nearly did.

I'd known there would be threats appointed to Porter as Luna but now reality is setting in.

What if I can't protect her next time? What if I'm too late?

The thought sends a fearful shiver down my back.

I should've taken that rogue from earlier threat more seriously.

I should've been able to get more information out of that chick that pushed Porter into the river to begin with. But her body gave out, we hadn't even begun the torture yet which is what makes her death suspicious.

But now I suppose I have more time to increase the security around Porter.

If Porter had died in that river I easily would have gone along with her to the gates of death. 

I mean that was what the rogue was threatening, right?

 Porter's POV

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I sob as I crush Rachel into hug.

We'd decided it would be best to not bring our pack's largest (former) threat's Alpha on to our lands unannounced. So, Rachel and Fane will be taking off in their own direction. It had also been decided that Brett would join Wolf Claw.

But anyways Rachel and I are saying our good byes.

"I promise to visit in two weeks tops." She sobs.

"I  know but I'll still miss you." I cry.

"I promise to see you soon. Besides I have to get my stuff from my parents' place."

"Are you sure you can't just come home with us?"

"Where Fane goes, I go. Speaking of home looks like your ride is here."

I turn to see J.T. pull up in the Range Rover.

I nod my head and wipe away the tears. Before I turn to walk to the car I crush Rachel into a quick hug.

"Time to go." She whispers in my ear before I walk off and throw my bags into the trunk.

"Ready?" J.T. asks.



"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

J.T. and I came over to my parents' place to check up on them.

"Kitchen." Mum yells back.

"Hey guys." I say as I see the entire family crowded around the kitchen island.

"Porter!" Ross yells as he rams into my legs, attempting to hug me.

I pick him up and swing him around.

"So how was your first job as the Alpha couple?" My mum asks.

"Good." J.T. mumbles, his face full of freshly baked muffin.

"Now what kind of answer is that?" Mum says sarcastically and then looks at me knowingly.

"Oh my god! It was awesome! Rachel found her mate, the Wolf Claw Alpha. All the other Alpha couples were really nice. But then someone tried to kill me and-" Uh oh I said way too much.

"Rachel is mated to the Wolf Claw Alpha?" Mum growls, Dad accompanies her distaste.

"He isn't all that bad. Consider our biggest threat eliminated, and our newest, strongest ally."

"Almost killed?" My dad growls after moment.

"Well you see....." I say as I been to drag on.

"Boy, you were supposed to protect my baby girl." Dad growls at J.T., wolf eyes glowing.

"Dad it wasn't his fault, an Alpha couple got poisoned-"

"Stay out of this, Porter." Dad growls. "Why weren't you protecting your mate, boy?"

"I was but she told me to stay with the weak, and dying." J.T. growls, trying to control his wolf.

"That is no excuse."

"You weren't there, so I doubt for even a second that you'd understand."

"Why I outta-"

"J.T., please just leave." I whisper.

I don't need the two most important men in my life fighting.

He shoots me a hurt look but walks out the front door without a sound, taking a piece of my torn heart with him.



I know this chapter was short but I promise to make the next few chapters a little longer!! I want to thank everyone who voted and commented on the last chapter!! Also want to thank everyone who is supporting my hopes in making the Werewolf's 'What's Hot' top ten!!






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