Chapter 2

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My eyes fluttered open as the early morning light streamed in from the sides of my curtains. I sighed staring at my celling. I pushed my sheets back. I walked into Stacey’s room and said softly “hey Stace, I’m off now”

She sat up and took in her surroundings for a bit. “Ok then, but remember, eat breakfast today”

I chuckled walking out of the room knowing I wouldn’t listen to what she said, and skip all meals today. I heard her faint shout “SHUT THE DOOR” I smiled as I kept walked down the stairs. I was greeted to my beautiful black poodle Poppy. I picked her up and gave her lots of kisses. I put her back down and walked into the kitchen. I always have to take some bread out of the bag so Stacey would I think I ate it. I chucked it in the bin and got out Poppy’s food and put it in her bowl and put it on the floor for the small pup to eat it. I walked into the bathroom so I could have a shower. As the warm water flowed over me, I thought of sealing up the cracks and filling the shower up to drown me, to get away from all this pain. I thought about going back to Sydney, where all my friends and family live, where I used to live… before I ran away to Paris anyway. I have changed so much now, they wouldn’t even recognise me. I sighed and turned off the shower and rapped a towel around me. I walked back upstairs and put on some leggings boots, a jumper and a long black coat over that. I brushed my hair quickly and stuck it up in a bun. I grabbed my phone and walked back down the stairs. I picked up my keys on the kitchen table and walked out the door.

As soon as I closed the door the cold, crisp air hit me. But it was nice, it was crisp, it was refreshing to be out of our toasty house. I spotted kids playing in the snow, making snowmen, they looked so happy, jumping running around with each other. I sat on our little stone fence of our house, and watched them for what seemed like hours. Then my phone interrupted me, ringing. I dug it out of my pocked and looked at the caller ID. My eyes widened, my hands started to get weak, before I dropped my phone I quickly answered it. With I shaky voice I said “h-hello”

“Willow? Is that you?”

I paused, wondering if he would just hang up. He didn’t

“Yes, it is”

“Wow you sound so different” he breathed out


“Don’t talk, just listen”

“No, I know what you are going to ask me, you are going ask me to come back to Sydney, well the answer is still no, you know my problems, I’m still unwell. I’m still figuring out who I am. And you know that I still can’t remember things that accident really messed me up. I’m just not ready ok, I may be ready one day, or maybe never”

“Please, please willow, everyone has grown apart since the accident, since you moved. Please come back”

“You’re wasting your time, and it costs a lot of money to call overseas, so you’re wasting you money too”

I heard him sigh loudly. “What would do you, if say, you had a son, and he was at home crying on his bedroom floor because he is hungry? No one cares anymore, no one wants to try, everyone is giving up”.

“Is-is that true?” my trembly, weak voice chocked out.

“yes” he said bluntly

I sighed. He was forcing me, he knows I have a weak spot for suffering. I don’t know what to do. “I DON’T KNOW” I screamed into the phone. I tear rolled down my left cheek. I quickly hung up the phone and stuffed it in my pocket and walked down the street. Walked around the corner and stepped into a little café. I tied my long dark brown silky hair up in a ponytail and order a cappuccino. The coffee’s they did here were amazing! They did little drawings on the froth. When mine was placed in front of me, mine had two love hearts crossed over each other. I sighed and messed up the hearts with my spoon. I drank the coffee quickly; they took away the empty cup. I sat there for a while until he walked through the door. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, what he was doing here, he doesn’t even live here. Why was he here, why was he in this café? So many questions all of then unanswered. I turned my head so he couldn’t see me. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, I span around and he was right there in front of me. “Jayden” I choked out

 Then suddenly everything went back.

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