Chapter 6

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I waved by to my mum and kissed her on the cheek “bye mum”

“Bye sweetie, have a good first day back”

 I jumped out of the car with my bag and quickly ran into the school gates. I ran into the school building. The school I went to was a small school, it only had 3 buildings, and it was only for years 10 11 and 12. I was in year 12.

I put my bag into my locker and ran into the class room just as the bell went. I walked over to my 2 best friends Daisy and Pippa. I hugged them both as soon as I let go of them Daisy blurted out “OH MY GOD LAST TERM, I CANT BELIEVE IT!”

“I know, I can’t believe it” Pippa said quietly

Pippa was a very shy girl on the other hand Daisy was the complete opposite, she was a very loud and outgoing girl. Me on the other hand, well, I was just, me.

Our home group, Ms Chicken, came into our room “good morning class”

“Good morning chick” the class said in unison, we all play teased her for her last name and called her chick, bird, or Ms Chick.

“ok girls, everyone sit down please”

Everyone rushed to their seats, I normally sit next to Daisy and Pippa, but the seats were put in an odd position today, they were sitting together and I couldn’t sit next to them. I sighed and walked over to a spare seat. I have always felt like the odd one out in our little ‘group’, they always had their inside jokes, one always waited for the other, never for me. I always started the conversation with both of them; they never bothered to start the conversation. Sometimes it felt like I didn’t even exist to them. I tuned out to what our teacher had to say, she left and our Maths teacher came in. I didn’t really listen in maths; I just did what work I had to do. I just sat there for maths, I finished the task, but didn’t really listen, whenever I get in these moods, my thoughts just consume my brain and I can’t think properly.

The bell rang and I quickly walked out of the classroom passing Daisy and Pippa chatting away. I rushed to my locker and did the combo and chucked my books in and shut it. I didn’t want to go to the next class. So I just got one of students in my class to tell the teacher I was the sick bay. I hurried down to the sick bay and just said the usual “I have a head ache, stomach ache” blah blah blah.  I drank some water and fell asleep on the bed they put me in.

I woke up to the lady who ran the sick bay shaking me awake.  I got up and stretched, my arm hit the lady but I didn’t care really. She walked out in a hurry and scribbled down a note for my teacher. I got up slowly and walked to the desk and grabbed the note and walked out.

The bell rang for lunch break. I walked up to wear I always sat with Daisy and Pippa. It was a grassed area. I sat down in the middle of it. In the corner of my eye I saw a crowd of girls, maybe 5 or 6 surrounding a guy. I got up slowly and walked over to see why they were fussing over him. I heard the girl’s high pitched giggles and their flirtatious conversations.

I was at the edge of the little circle when a girl looked at me with a disapproving look and said “why are you here? You never hang out here. And plus, Jayden here, he is way, way too good for you”

I laughed at her comment and replied to it “I always hang out here, you obviously don’t take much notice”

She smirked “you and your annoying friends, Daisy and Pippa must be invisible to me”

“if we are so invisible, how do you know their names?” I snapped back

I heard the oo’s and ahh’s of the other girls.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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