Everything Lost

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"Where're you two from?" The boy spoke as we hurried down the road.

"Don't answer him." Edana said.

But I couldn't be rude. I was raised to answer questions. I had to say something.

"I'm from just down the road."

Edana peered at me with a strange look, but then she answered too,

"I'm from Dublin. You needn't know any more than that. I shouldn't have even told you that much."

"And you?" I said. "Where are you from?"

He sighed, "Oh, I'm from nowhere. My father is Daray, that man you bumped into. We've been journeying all my life."

"Oh, that's not a very good way to raise a child." I said. "What happened to your mother?"

"She dropped me with my father and never came back. But I don't care."

He smiled at me, most peculiarly.

"Edana, how's your rooster?" I turned. His smile gave me the shivers.

She brushed her hand over its feathers, "He's alright now!"

I half expected her to hug the creature, but instead she held it under one arm like an old potato sack. The rooster didn't seem to mind the rough handling.

"Well, that's good news."

Then all fell quiet. Birds sang in the trees and the wind ruffled the leaves. Deep down I wish we would have stopped and viewed the scenery.

"Edana, where are we going?" I asked.

"To my home. I need to return Bry-Bry to his... place."

"Oh, alright." Suddenly a shooting pain went up my arm and I yelled. An arrow had sliced it open and landed in the road in front of Evan. I was bleeding, but not badly. Edana spun round with Evan in front.

"Alana, get behind me!"

I didn't hesitate. I wasn't looking forward to being a human shish kebab.

"Return the boy ("and the rooster" Digby added) and we may yet spare your lives!" Daray marched out of the trees with two archers following.

"They want him, but they can't have him! He's mine!" Alana yelled.

"All they want is dinner. Just give them the rooster." Evan spoke a bit sarcastically.

Edana pulled the knife closer to his throat. "We'll spare the boy to ye', but ye' cannot have the rooster!"

By this time we were surrounded. I had no protection anymore.

"Just let them have the rooster Edana!" I yelled.

Evan flinched as she carelessly handled the knife on his neck. "No! I won't let them take him from me!"

"Lady, I suggest you let us have our prize, or you're both dead!" Daray yelled.

Edana trembled and the knife shook in her hand. Evan's eyes grew wider and he swallowed. I wasn't too peachy myself.

She dropped her knife and fell to her knees. She was crying, but she slowly let go of the large rooster. Evan picked it up and returned to his father.

"Thank you for the lovely chat." Evan looked into my eyes. "I hope we meet again."

"Curse you all!" Edana screamed.

I watched them walk away with their prize and I suddenly began to cry.

Edana sniffled, "I suppose I shall never see my poor Bry-Bry ever again." She stood herself up, waved a goodbye, and slowly started back home. I watched her turn around a bend and disappear. I didn't know what to do.

"You'd give up so easily!?" I yelled after her, but she was already gone.

"They cannot take her rooster, even if it is just a rooster!" I said. I turned around, intent on retrieving her Bry-Bry.

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