The Lock

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Jason calls a meeting, someones killed in the meeting, crowd rush, Nico gets called down to his faith. 

"Its their fault!" 

"Why did we trust them in the first place?" 


"The Romen's helped us in the war or did you forget?!" 

"They wouldn't do that-"

"We have proof-" 

"Its not him, stop blaming him!" 

"Don't look at me like that!" 

"Its not me!" 

"Who'll be next?!" 




Everyone stopped talking, the voice boomed around them, the sound of thunder cracked outside and a flash of lightning. 

Everyone turned shocked. 

A small smile appeared on Nico's face as he saw who it was. 


He stood there, standing tall. 

 Thalia behind him thought proudly, thats my little brother. 

And they were all reminded that he was a demigod of the big three and son of Zeus. 

Chiron sighed in almost relief as he had been trying to get everyone quite as well. 

Jason took a deep breath in before speaking, ignoring any dirty glares he was receiving "I think we all know that whoever killed her must could not have not been able to get in without  someone else's help so we either have a traitor and a spy in our mists or the killer is one of us!" 

"I was at the camp fire when the murder of the Oracle, Rachel was discovered, many of you were around at that time saw me there, I was speaking to Nico at the time, so unless you think I can split myself into two I wasn't responsible, same goes for Nico" He said firmly and loudly, his voice clear. 

Whispers started. 

But to Jasons relief he watched as his words sunk in and the glares slowly stopped. 

Chiron said "I think you would be a big help in finding us the killer, what do you suggest we do?" 

Everyone turned to look at him, Jason blinked, they were...looking to him to lead? To find the answers? The ex roman? 

"I um-" Jason licked his lips nervously, gathering his confidence "I suggest we all meet up at the camp fire and get where people where at the time of Rachel's and Annabeth's death, I can't believe Percy Jackson did that and I won't believe it intill we find out who killed Rachel and whether they played a hand at killing Annabeth to" 

At first no one said anything and Jason had doubt begin to form in his mind at the plan but then Chiron beamed "Excellent idea, come on everyone" 

Thalia patted Jason on the back as everyone moved to the Camp Fire.

 "Told you, you could do it" She said. 

Nico smiled at him. 

Jason smiled back. 

Soon everyone had been alerted that they needed to go to the camp fire, everybody sat down, chatting away. 

Jason started to call out their names from who he could remember and a long register Chiron had given him. 






"Here man!" 





And so forth but Jason must have known things where never going to go to plan. 




Still nothing. 

"Will Solace?!" 

No one replied and Jason called out, started to get worried "Has anyone seen Will Solace?" 

Then it happened. 

Someone screamed, Jason half noticed Nico standing up straight away at the sound, clear recognition on his face. 

A boy came running into view, terror on his face. 

Nico was by his side in a instant, Jason heard him say "Jake what happened?!" 

 Chiron got there  before him them after something Jake said he told everyone to be dismissed and get back to their cabins apart from the Apollo children. 

Jason got there as he heard Jake cry "I don't understand, I don't understand"

"What happened" Jason demanded. 

"W-Will is dead" Jake said shakily, eyes wide. 

Jason heart picked up speed and he was about to demand more questions but one surprising dark look from Nico he backed of. 

Nico said with a shockingly gentle voice "Jake, explain what happened, slowly, please" 

"I noticed he was missing and went to look for him then I-I" 

"You found him" Jason said. 

Jake shook his head.

 "Not exactly" He whispered, tremors going through him, looking traumatised. 

"I found, I found only half of him, the-the bottom half is gone!" 

Shocked cries from the Apollo cabin rang out and Jason heard some kids burst into tears behind him. 

"B-but I don't understand-" Jake whimpered. 

Nico said shakily "I know its hard-" 

He shook his head furiously "No, its not that!" 

"Then what?" Jason asked, desperately needing the answers but Jakes answer only gave him further questions. 

"The cabin doors where locked! I had to bash the door down to get inside! The windows where locked, everything looked fine a-apart from, you know... Everything was locked!  No one can get in from the outside as It was locked from the inside" Jake almost shouted, in hysterics. 

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