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Hannah's POV

"Y-You what?" I stutter over my words, thinking I must have heard Demi incorrectly.

Demi sighs, "I fucked another girl."


"While you were with Fifth Harmony."

I shake my head violently, "No you did not."

Demi reaches her hand out toward mine, "I'm sorry Hannah."

"Don't touch me." I whisper, turning over so I don't face her.

"I thought we were done. I thought that I was hung up on you because you were a girl. I thought maybe if I had sex with another girl I would forget about you." Demi voices.

"Did it work?"

"You're here right now, aren't you?"

I press back into Demi and feel her spoon me, and I allow her to touch me.




"What Laur?"

"Where the fuck is Hannah?"

"Uh, come see this?"

I bound down the stairs to see what Ally is worried about.

I bust into the kitchen and see a note, with Hannah's handwriting scrawled on it. I skim over the note and grab my keys.

"I'm going to get her."

Ally grabs my wrist, "Lauren, let them work things out themselves."

"Ally, Demi hit her last time they saw each other."

Ally's face pales and she releases my arm, "If Hannah says no, let her stay."

I nod and rush to my car. I put Demi's address into my GPS and scowl to myself when I see that it takes over thirty minutes to get there.

I decide to turn on my music, and the first song to come on is the song I sang to Hannah to help her fall asleep.

"I got a plane in the middle of the night, don't you mind
I nearly killed somebody, don't you mind don't you mind
I gave you something you can never give back, don't you mind
You see my face like a heart attack, don't you mind don't you mind
I was late but I arrived
I'm sorry but I'd rather be getting high than watching my family die
Exaggerate and you and I
Oh I think I did something terrible to your body, don't you mind

I put your mother through hell, don't you mind
I hurt your brother as well, don't you mind don't you mind
Oh I was thinking about killing myself, don't you mind
I love you, don't you mind don't you mind

I put your mother through hell, don't you mind
I hurt your brother as well, don't you mind don't you mind
Oh I was thinking bout killing myself, don't you mind
I love you, don't you mind don't you mind"

Do I love Hannah?

My mind is arguing with itself.

'Lauren, you do NOT love Hannah. You love Camila.'

'Lauren, you DO love Hannah. You're in love with Camila, but you love Hannah.'

I pull out my phone, tears running down my face, and I don't know why.

I dial Ally, "I LOVE HER ALLY."



"Lauren, listen to me."


"I think Hannah loves you too, Lauren. I think she's in love with Demi, but she feels something for you."

I hiccup, "This sucks."

"Go get her." Ally says, and hangs up.

I wipe my tears and see Demi's house down the street. I speed. As soon as I pull into her driveway I hop out of my car, leaving the keys in the ignition. I run to the front door and start to bang on the wood.

"Hello?" Demi opens the door, wearing nothing but an oversized tee and some underwear.

"Woah, where the fuck are your clothes?"

"I'm not sure, ask Hannah." Demi chuckles.

When she laughs I want to choke her. I seriously want to choke her. I ball my hands into fists at my sides, "Where is she?"


"I'm going to get her."

Demi blocks the door, "Woah, no you're not."

I push past her and start up the stairs, "Watch me."

"HANNAH?" I yell, hoping I'll wake her up.

I see a figure move out of a room, "Lo?"


I see the figure move toward me and I feel our bodies collide. I feel the person, who I am positive is Hannah, wrap their small arms around me.

"I missed you." Hannah admits.

"You saw me twelve hours ago."


"Why'd you leave?"

"It was late and I couldn't sleep and I thought Demi could occupy me. I miss her."

"Hannah. I love you."

"I love you too. Friends love each other." Hannah says, laughing against my shoulder.

"No, like I love you the way you love Demi."

Well, she stops laughing.

"I love you like I love Demi. I am not in love with you. But I know I love you."

"Hannah?" Demi interrupts our conversation.

"Demi." Hannah replies, looking away from me.

"Lauren, leave. She doesn't want you."

"I-" Hannah starts, but I interrupt her.

"Hey, let's do this. Hannah gets two weeks with you and then two weeks with me. Whoever she likes best can have her." Demi says.

"Hannah is not an object." I protest, but I kinda liked the idea.

"It's fine with me." Hannah says.

"It's like you're dating each other." Demi says.

Hannah and I nod.

"Now leave." Demi says.

Hannah and I are just out the front door when Demi talks again, "Have fun with Hannah, Lauren. It'll be the last two weeks you get her."


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