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"Shut up, Camila. Nobody cares if Hot Topic scares you." I quip, quickly sticking up for Hannah.

I glance at Hannah and she's walking next to Dinah, whispering in her ear.

Dinah looks down at her phone and before long I feel my own phone vibrate with a text.

"from: dinahh - hannah wants to know if she's allowed to hold your hand"

I look over at Hannah and nod my head, and she comes rushing over to me, grabbing my hand immediately.

"You're doing good. Are you feeling okay?" I question Hannah, worried about her mental health.

"I'm fine at the moment!" Hannah smiles at me, and my heart melts.

"I only have thirteen more days with you until you go back to Demi." I say, pouting.

Hannah sighs, "Can we talk about this later? Please?"

I nod, and continue leading the way to Hot Topic.


I glance at Lauren and Hannah, and frown slightly.

"Hey, I know you're still into Lauren, but fucking smile!" Dinah says, sidling up to me.

I throw my head back and laugh, "That's not it! I'm just scared for Lauren. You know that Hannah will go back to Demi, right?"

"She might stay with Lauren."

"Dinah, Demi saved her life multiple times. She'll be with Lauren for the two weeks, but as soon as Demi's two weeks are over, she'll stay with her. I'm worried for Lauren because I know that she really likes Hannah, and I'm terrified for Hannah because Demi hit her. We shouldn't let Hannah go back to that." I say, my voice speeding up at the end because of emotions.

"Look, let's just have fun. We can have a meeting when we get home."

I nod and motion to Hannah that I see Hot Topic.

Hannah smiles and rushes into the 'scary' store. I follow in slowly after her, as do the rest of the girls. I turn around and giggle softly, Ally looks so out of place. Well, we all do, but Ally sticks out the most.

A loud screamy song is blasting out of the speakers and I see Hannah mindlessly dancing while looking at the clothes.
Actually, once getting used to the screams, the lyrics are actually beautiful.

"I'm walking through harbors and churchyards. I felt the snow crack under my feet. I'll stay thankful for mild winters, for every shot I got at anything. I'll blame the way that I was brought up or the flaws that I was born with. Or the mistakes that I've made; they're all just fucking excuses. So bury me in the memories of my friends and family. I just need to know that they were proud of me."

I walk up to Hannah and tap her shoulder, "Teach me this music. Show me bands. Please." I beg her.

She looks surprised, "Are you fucking with me?"

"No. The music is beautiful."

"Well, okay." Hannah agrees, laughing a little.

Hannah puts down the shirt and tells me that we can leave.

"You're not getting anything?" I ask, surprised.

"No, I don't want to spend my money on unnecessary things." Hannah explains.

I reach out and put my fingers on her arm, "We have enough money.."

"Shut up! I have money, I just don't wanna get anything I'm not sure I like, and I'm not sure where I live." Hannah explains, laughing with me as we walk to find the other girls in the dark store.

Ally has put a leather bra over her shirt and is modeling for Normani, Dinah, and Lauren.

"How do I look?" Ally questions.

We all start laughing and Ally takes the bra off, leading the way out of the store.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket and I pull it out, "new tweet from @ddlovato: oh my fucking god oh my god i miss you i miss you."

I decide to have fun and I stop walking, waiting for Lauren and Hannah to get ahead of me. As soon as they're far enough away I snap a picture.

"@camilacabello97: look how cute they are together (twitpic7284)"

I run and catch up to everyone, "Hey. I'm famished."

"Let's get food?" Normani suggests, looking at all of us.

We all agree, even Hannah, which surprises everyone.

We pick out a table in the large food court and discuss what everyone wants. We all want Taco Bell.

"I'll go get it." Hannah offers after we all know what we want, pushing her chair out.

She makes it about five steps before turning around and marching right back to us, "I need someone to be with me while I order. I'm sorry, I just get really anxious." Hannah mumbles.

"It's fine!" I say, jumping up to assist the younger girl with a task that is simple to me.

I follow behind Hannah to the Taco Bell and wait for her to nudge me when she needed me or start ordering herself.

"Can we get a, uhm, soft taco. I mean, three, no f-four, soft tacos." Hannah says, stumbling over her words.

Fuck it, she didn't ask for my help yet, but I'm not going to let her struggle.

"Hey, yeah. Can we get four soft tacos and three hard tacos. Also some fire and mild sauce please." I say smoothly, then look at Hannah.

Needless to say, Hannah looks embarrassed, even though she shouldn't be.

"Sorry." Hannah mutters as she grabs our food and speed walks to our table.

As I approach the table Lauren mouths 'What happened?'

I shake my head slightly, this is not the time.


We're on our way home. We didn't buy one single thing and Lauren got mad at Ally for some unknown reason, so now Ally is upset at Lauren for being a bitch.

Hannah is trying to resolve the conflict by talking to both of them but Lauren is stubborn and Ally is sensitive, so nothing is getting fixed. 
Normani is driving and Dinah is in the passenger seat, fiddling with the radio.

I decide to text Hannah so I'm not as bored for the rest of the car ride.

camila: im so bored and im all alone in the trunk

hannah: would you rather be up here trying to resolve this fight?

camila: what even happened?


hannah: lauren is so stubborn

camila: tell me about it. tell her that i said to knock it off.

I see Hannah lean over to Lauren and whisper, what I'm assuming, are the words 'Knock it off.'
I assumed correctly, because as soon as Hannah leans back Lauren just about breaks her neck and back to give me a death stare.

I laugh quietly, Hannah has no idea what she signed herself up for.


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