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I cowered in my apartment hoping that Harry was just joking around with me earlier at the office. He was so cute, I was counting my lucky stars that he wasn't gonna show up and be a total creeper. Just in case, I grabbed some carrots, granola, and leftover pizza to keep me occupied in my room while I hid from the world and watched Iron Man on my laptop.Story of my life: feeling like such an outcast for liking superheroe movies.

At a young age my mother forced Star Wars, Batman, and Spiderman upon me, and eventually, all her hard work payed off. I was addicted. I loved the action-so much that I hated romance movies and couldn't stand The Notebook. My friends hated me for that. I would always get excluded from Best Friend movie night because I would hide inside my sleeping bag and watch my own movies on my Netflix app. Classic Ariel. Laying in bed getting emotionally attached to Robert Downey Jr. through my laptop screen I heard a knock on the door. I muted my computer and waited.

"I know you're there."  

WHY ME! WHYY! Couldn't Harry be normal and wait a few days to call me? Hell, I would rather him play hard to get than for him to stalk me. Looking around my cramped room I surveyed my options.

1- I could answer the door (No way).

 2- I could hide; however, I was sure that he would find a way in anyway. He struck me as a determined fellow.

  3- I could sneak up the fire escape and go to a neighbor's place.  

4- Wake up from the dream. I quickly pinched myself...option 4 wasn't an option. Too bad. I wasn't dreaming. Probably because this was nightmare. Anyways, I texted Colby, my neighbor upstairs, and asked if I could stay at his place...sorta.  

"No time 2 xplain. Can u open window so I can come in? Help." I prayed that he was near his phone.   "Okay...See u soon?" Phew, He immediately replied. In my barely there nightgown I silently crawled out the window and started up the fire escape. I heard Harry's fists banging on my door.

"WE'RE GOING OUT," he yelled expecting me to comply. I was so nervous. Lucky for me, the fire escape was easy to use. Thank the lord it wasn't anything like the movies. I threw myself through Colby's window and sprawled  out on his cozy carpeted floor.

"Rough night?" Colby chuckled as I slowly made snow angels on his floor. He walked around the bed and turned the lights on. I shielded my eyes from the instantaneous brightness.



"He's at my door"

"And who is he?"

"Harry Styles."

"From the boyband?"

"YES. I swear this is real" I filled Colby in on all the details and begged for advice on what to do next. "I'll find a way distract Harry downstairs" he calmly plotted.

"You go sneak back in to your apartment and put on your best dress."

I stared at him in confusion. "Did you NOT listen to a word I just said? I am NOT going!"

"You're not going out with Harry, you're going out clubbing with me." Colby smirked as I desperately searched his deep brown eyes for answers. I got lost taking in his good looks. He had a caramel quiff with blonde streaks gently mixed in. His sun-kissed skin in combination with his 6' 3" figure made him model worthy. We always knew there was something more than friends between us; however, we were always too busy chasing after others to attempt to start something real. I nodded my head and crept back into my apartment to get ready for our night out. Colby and I dancing till the world ends? This should be a night to remember.

Colby's POV

After Ariel shuffled out of my apartment I grabbed my leftover coffee from this morning's board meeting. Throwing on an old schoolboy cap and a coat I grabbed my keys and left my apartment. I rushed down the stairs, purposely tripping over my own feet.

"WTF man, what's you're problem?" yelled Harry after I spilled my coffee on him. I quickly apologized. "Sorry mate, you don't look familiar around here, can I help you with something?"

"You know what, it's really no problem. I'm sorry for overeacting," he chuckled as he swiped his finger across his t-shirt, wiping the coffee off on his tongue. "Ariel. I'm looking for Ariel...is she here?"

"Nope, I think she's gone out tonight. Saw her leaving with someone a few hours ago. Probably won't be back tonight if you know what I mean, hah." I acted like this was Ariel's usual behavior; however she usually was careful with dating. She kept lots of guys around as friends-nothing more. A few boyfriends here and there. Ariel didn't do things. She went in relationships all or nothing.

"Alright, thanks," Harry casually replied.

"Sorry bout the coffee." 

"Ha no problem. Guess I just wasn't mean to be here." He smiled and walked away down the steps into the cold night.

Step one. Check. I could't decide what I thought about Harry. At first he was quite arrogant, but as soon as I showed kindness towards him it was like he snapped back into reality. He mustn't be used to being treated like an average Joe. I went upstairs and changed before going back and picking up Ariel from her apartment. We held hands and got into a taxi to begin our adventure into the nightlife.

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