7- Harry POV

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Harry POV

I wasn't used to rejection. Ariel seemed interested too. I really liked her sense of humour. Not to mention she was gorgeous. I was sure that she was a model when I first saw her. Long blonde hair, with some brown highlights, tall petite frame. Who knew she had her own successful career. At first after I saw her at the club I was angry. She didn't feel the same spark I did while we were at lunch? But then, when I looked into her eyes after she made out with that prick, she seemed pained. She was holding something back, and I could feel it. All that I needed was a second chance. But it had to be at the right time and place.

I messed up the first time. I was too forceful, and I knew that. But there was something about her that intrigued me. Her ambition, her drive. And her legs. Damn, her body. You can't even imagine it. How I would just love to take her, to show her...

I layed low for a few weeks and chilled with my friends. I had a little time off before our band released our next record. Next Saturday we would have an extravegant release party and we would all be reunited. The time off was amazing. I chilled in my flat, clubbed, but mostly layed low, catching up with old friends and family. My Mum teased that by the time that my break was over I would have a girl by my side. I'd hoped she was right, I wanted to bring someone home that I was proud of. I was tired of the trashy whores that threw themselves at me. I needed more. Ariel respected herself, and would challenge me intellectually. I needed her by my side. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and took over the couch, thinking about what I would do to secure another chance with her.

Ariel POV

He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me through the crowd to a small table near the side of the stage. There, he pulled out my chair for me and sat along beside me. The table was decorated with silver plated candlesticks and a fruity looking drink that I couldn't wait to taste. The poetry slam was so crowded, and, just like I predicted, full of hipsters. The place was dingy but it felt quaint, and the people there were beyond friendly. The hippies all seemed to look the same to me. All of them had long unbrushed hair and quilted old clothes. Although cleaner, I fit right in.  

I looked around to take in more of the atmosphere. There were no other tables in the whole building. Jackson must have arranged for this a long time ago. It was really sweet of him. It felt nice to have someone trying to impress me, it had been awhile. He reached his hand across the table and grinned at me. "I hope you like it." 

"It's wonderful," I could feel my cheeks burning red with colour.

"Dark as Day, white like night, bring me up, let's fight. tonight."  

The entire audience snapped for the poet. I laughed. Many of the poems seemed like overdramatic calls for attention, but talking to Jackson inbetween was nice. He was funny. And incredibly talented at flattering me. But I wanted Harry. It was hard to get him out of my head. Too often I would catch myself subconciously looking for his long fluffy mane when I was walking in the city. Did he not feel the same spark I did at lunch? One and done? I had lost my chance. And it sucked.

After the slam Jackson and I went for a walk though the city. Flashing lights all around us made me feel anxious.  

"I really enjoyed our time together tonight," Jackson took a step a closer coming close to my face. I could feel his breath.  

"Me too" I casually replied. I didn't have an amazing time, but he was very sweet to me, and that was enough. I blushed and looked up him as he put his hand down my back, and placed the other behind my head. His soft lips met with mine and let myself go with it. It was nice kiss. Long. One of the better ones I had had. Trust me on this, computer nerds needed a lot of sexual guidence. Even on the basics. So this was well up on my list. He reached for both my hands and smiled at me.  

"I'd love for you to come out with me again. My record company has a release party next Saturday, and I'd love for you to be my date." Omg. Please. Please. Please say it's for One Direction. I could go and maybe win back Harry. I'd have to sex it up a little. But not enough to be considered a whore. Please say it's for One Direction.  

"Well that sounds nice, may I ask who it is for?"  

"It's a secret. I'll pick you up at 7 on Saturday. It's a formal event, but I know you won't have any trouble looking the part. He winked at me and grabbed my hand as we walked back to my flat.

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