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Colby guided me through the tangled sweaty bodies grinding at the Neon Phantom club. I was curious as to what he was up to, but I decided to live in the moment and enjoy my night out with him (YOLO). Once we were settled inside with a few drinks in our systems Colby pulled me closer and lead me to the dance floor. Making our way to the center he pushed me towards the floor and grabbed my hips tight against his own. Blaring through the speakers was "Scream and Shout". This song never failed to get me in the mood. Responding to Colby's aggressive cues I bent down and started grinding on him. He held tight and moved with me like any man should. All the nerds I had ever danced with just stood there and lightly touched me hips. Thinking about all the horrible dances I had endured in my past makes me cringe.

Although I was nearly touching the ground while dancing with Colby I still wasn't sure what was going on. Usually when Colby and I went out it was with a larger group of our friends, and we would all dance with others at the club. But tonight, just the two of us, was different. Quite often I looked around for Harry but he wasn't in sight. I didn't hear any screaming fans around either, I chuckled thinking about all the women and girls who constantly threw themselves at him.

While I was off dreaming in Another World, Colby yanked my hips and pressed his fingers into my pelvis, forcing me down lower. I attempted to stray from his grasp but he wouldn't release me. I was very uncomfortable. Why would Colby do this? This wasn't right. It didn't feel right. He was too forceful. Maybe someone slipped something into his drink? I was lucky I could dance while pondering other things around me, but then again, with Colby's force I didn't have a choice.

Once "Thrift Shop", a difficult song to dance to, came on I finally broke free from his grasp. Before I could fully escape he reached over, pulled me in and kissed me. WHAT IS HAPPENING, I thought. But I knew. I could hear it. Dozens of screams could be heard over the raging club music. Harry was here. And Harry was watching.

After I was set free I turned around to face Harry. His eyes were blank, yet his fists were clenched at his sides. I wasn't sure what was going on. Was Colby helping me get with Harry? Was he trying to stop it? There were certainly easier ways to go around doing both. I wasn't even sure what I wanted. I wanted Harry, but I didn't want him to think he could just pick up on me and expect me to go for it. After a minute of us staring at each other Harry moved through the dance floor, grabbed a girl, and started grinding. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. I wanted to hit the girl and move up and down Harry's torso and legs. I wanted him to remember our dance. But I wouldn't be so lucky. I wasn't even sure if Harry came to the club for me. After all, Colby never said where I was, and there were many hot clubs in this upscale part of town.

After a few more drinks and a few dances Colby and I stumbled home and into a taxi. We both went to our own apartments and slept well into the morning. I needed most of Saturday to recuperate from all of the drama.

Around 2PM I made it out of bed to the grocery store to get some much needed protein. I even indulged on a Coconut sorbet pop. Fresh and delicious. I secretly hoped that I would see Harry casually walking around the store so we could talk. Not so lucky. I retired back into my apartment until 7PM when I had to get ready for tonight's event. The banking firm was having an investor's dinner at the world renown art museum and I was hosting the event. Around 50 high-powered business men and their wives would be attending, and I would be accompanied by my assistant, Malcolm.

As I sat in front of my vanity swiping purple eyeshadow across my lids, I thought about how amazing Harry looked last night. He was wearing a vintage Rolling Stone tee, red corduroys, and white trashed converse. It was perfection. His hair was stuck to his forehead from the heated environment and we he wore a few pendants around his neck. His sloppy tattoos were visible from then openness of his shirt. Ahh I get butterflies just thinking about it. I curled the ends of my hair and pinned it back so it was half up, half down. I sprayed some glitter on my chest before picking up my diamond studded necklace and placing it on my neck. The stones were deep emerald gems that reminded me of an elegant chandelier. They were set around a golden frame with gold ivy wrapping around each individual stone. My last boyfriend, Grayson, gave this to me for our year anniversary. Although we had an explosive break up, he urged me to keep the necklace because it was "almost as gorgeous as I was". The cheesy line made me laugh, and his urge for me to keep the 2 million dollar necklace was all I needed.

I slipped on my silver satin gown which tied in my entire look. It was strapless and tight on the core, but loosened at the floor. Around 7:30 a town car picked me up with Malcolm on the side. Malcolm was hot. His Puerto Rican background gave him dark skin, and he had a shaved head. He was such a player, with a new latin lady at his apartment each night. Although he was my assistant, we were close friends and knew everything about each other.

We walked up the museum steps arm in arm and waltzed into the event. It was decorated like a palace with the dinner table centerpieces gaining as much attention as the art itself. The vases were filled with giant purple lilies, lilac marbles, and various greenery. The walls were draped with gold satin curtains with tassels dangling from the ends. I surveyed my surroundings and went up to a classic Picasso painting. I made out a man and woman, glaring at each other amongst all the disorder around them. I imagined the man taking the woman by the cheek, bringing her close, and whispering into her ear that he would protect her from all the madness. I was snapped out from my vision when an old man placed his hand on my arse, and turned me around. Damnit. I didn't want to make a scene, but this was really disgusting. At events like these it was typical for many old men attempted to pick up on me, but I wasn't a gold digger and kept it strictly professional. Usually, I was the youngest woman there, by about thirty of so years. I brought the man close to my ears, and whispered "Fu** off". And then hugged him and walked away. No once seemed to notice the event, although he was left with a rather shocked expression on his face. I had friends in the business who took up these old men's offers in order to advance their careers. I wasn't sure which saddened me more, the women's desperate attempts at success or the men's wives overlooking of their husband's obvious indiscretions.

I roamed around the museum steering clear of all the high powered creeps looking Malcolm. I was going force him to stay by my side -I was not risking another awkward encounter with a senior citizen. Limping down a dark corridor, Malcolm came in towards me.

"Malcolm, what's wrong" I asked worriedly, seeing a new bruise forming on his face. His suit was ruffled up and was torn around his torso. I could see blood splattered on his suit.

"I, I got mugged, but they didn't take my wallet. They just beat me," he was having a difficult time catching his breath and finding words to describe what was going on.

"What were you doing outside?"

"I needed a breath of fresh air. All these old guys are really boring. I took a walk around the block and before I knew it, some guy threw me against the brick wall in the alley way and just started throwing punches. By the time he was done wish his first round I was on the ground."

"Oh god Malcolm, we have to get you to a hospital" I was so scared. Why would someone beat him for no reason? What he a drug addict? Did he secretly work for the mafia?

"I'll go to the hospital, but you can't come with me." He pushed me away.

"What? You're crazy! I'm not leaving you alone."

"Ariel. The guy mentioned your name. He told me to stay away from you. I couldn't see him in the dark, but I'm really not sure what to do. I tried explaining to him that I'm your assistant, but that didn't help the situation. I'm going to take a cab to a hospital. And call the police. But for now, I'm sorry. I can't work for you."

"Malcolm! Wait. I'm so sorry, I have no idea what is going on. Please let me take you. Don't go."

"I'm sorry Ariel. But please. Be careful out there. Someone's after you. And I'm just an example of how serious they are about getting you. You need to lie low."

I started crying while Malcolm slowly trudged away towards the exit. I was so confused, and I had no idea what to do.

After fixing my tear stained cheeks in the restroom I mingled with other bankers and consultants and made many clients pleased with my progress. Paradoxically, the business side of the night was successful, but I was in shock about what happened to Malcolm. He was my best friend, and I somehow caused him all of this pain. I called the hospital and arranged for all of Malcolm's medical bills to be paid and booked him a retreat to the Bahamas. At least there he could heal as well as get some female attention. I needed to make up for what just occurred. Hours later, I crawled back into bed and slept. Sunday I worked at home and got ahead of my responsibilities. It was a long weekend and I needed to keep my life in control.

a/n : who do YOU think is after malcolm...COMMENT!

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