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Hey guys this pic is percy, I'm sorry if the next few pics look weird I'm getting an editing app. It so I can change their hair color and such. Umm.... Yeah so on with the story cuz this is getting awkward

Percy's POV

I was walking by the judging cave when I heard Nico yelling. Normally I wouldn't be interested, he yells all the time, but then he said something about a girl having powers. Like Jack's. That girl had ice powers? Did she know?
I know I should probably be paying attention to these things at the meeting but it's so boring and being half Greek god I have ADHD so it's hard to pay attention to these things. "Hey Percy." Jack says. "Can you go in there for me I need to take care of some things. Besides its your job not mine." I roll my eyes and nod at him before he zooms off.
I walk back to the cave and sit next to Elsa. She looks nervous. Then again, I probably would be too, if I had the chance to be killed for being alive.
Nico swoops in and flys to his seat in the front of the room. " Elsa are you aware that you have powers of any sort?" He asks her. She shakes her head no. I look from her to Nico back to her, then back to Nico. I'm so confused! "Elsa hold out your hand." I say standing in front of her. She holds out her hand and I use my water powers to draw snow flakes out of her hand. Elsa looks at her hand in shock. "Did that come from my hand?!" Elsa asks. I turn my head looking at our leader. My look asks him 'let her live or kill her?' He nods. I grab Elsa's hand and drag her outside. I look up, trying to find Jack, which would be very hard except for the fact that the tips of his wings are white. "Jack!" I yell. "What?!" He yells back from where he keeps shouting ice at a snow covered tree. "Go get Him." I tell Jack. I hear him sigh and fly away.

Jack's POV (AN, Him is not God but is from another book. As much as I want to own him I don't."

"Go get Him" Percy tells me. I sigh as I fly away to His cave. "Firestar? Where are you?" I call out into the darkness. "Over here Jack." I look down to see the flame colored cat with bright green eyes. He looks like a regular cat until he changes into his human form. In that form Firestar is a tall man with red hair and beautiful green eyes that are full of wisdom. He is the only one with red wings. "Will you fly, or are you going to make me carry you again?"  I say looking down at the cat. He puts his front paws on my legs. I chuckle as I bend down to pick him up. "Ready?" I ask him. "Yup." He says, popping the P. I swear, sometimes he's worst than Percy. I laugh again and take off flying, Firestar laying on my shoulders. I land a yard or two away from Elsa, and Firestar jumps off my back. He walks in front of me so that he's in between me and her. I can see him glowing, and I know he's about to change. He grows taller and his tail disappears wings start to grow and his paws change into hands. He keeps his ears though, like always, something I've never understood.
Once he's done he looks at Elsa in wonder. It's been centuries since he had anyone who had powers. The last being me.

Firestar's POV

I look at the girl I'm supposed to work with here. I walk in a circle around her. When I'm in front of her again I speak for the first time. "My name is Firestar. You are?" "Elsa." She says quietly, still in awe of my transformation. I nod. "Elsa, could you please relax and put your arms out to the sides for me?" I ask politely. She takes a deep breath and holds out her arms. I walk around her again, this time stopping behind her. I trace where her wings would be if she had any. I could feel her power. I needed to draw that out in order to make her wings.
"Ready?" I ask. I place a firm hand on her back and pray to starclan this works. As I pull away a thin blue web stretches between my hand and her back. I drag it out a little more then let go of it to repeat the process with her other wing. Then I take the webs and pull out using the few powers I got when I got my wings. I made the webs thicker. Feathers start to form and they get bigger. Stretching out into a full pair of beautiful light blue wings. I walk back around to face her.
"You can open your eyes now." I tell her, chuckling softly. She opens her eyes and looks over her shoulder at her new wings. I grab her hand and start to flap my wings. "Just flap your wings. They'll do what you want them to." She starts to flap her new wings slowly. I smile. As she rises a few feet off the ground I turn to the crowd and announce, "Please welcome Elsa, our new half-angel!"

I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story in forever. I got writers block and I still do. If you guys have any ideas for this story private message me and I'll see what I can do.anyways vote, comment and ..... Do what ever you guys do? I don't know I'm kinda tired and it's 3:03 in the morning so yeah.
Bye guys

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