My new wings

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Elsa's POV

After Firestar gave me my wings and I flew for the first time. When I came back down I remember everything getting dark then jack saying "Don't worry, this happened to me too." Then I woke up in a large room on a white bed. "Hey, your up." I open my eyes and blink slowly. I prop myself up on my elbows and turn to the side. A pretty girl with brown hair and feathers braided in is sitting on a chair next to the bed. "I'm Piper, by the way." She says. "How long have I been out?" I ask. She looks at the clock and says, "About a day and a half. Why?" "What happened to my sister, Anna? Is she ok?" I start to fire questions at Piper. She looks amused for a second then stands up and stretches, and I notice that she doesn't have any wings. I don't say anything, I don't know if that's rude or if she lost them, or just never had any.
"I'll be back later to check on you, there's some clothes for you in the closet." She says walking out of the room. I tilt my head to the side a little, because she didn't answer any of my questions. I get up and get dressed in a simple dress with a low back so I don't have to deal with trying to fit my wings through the hole in one of the shirts. I braid my blonde hair to the side and stretch my light blue wings. I'm slipping on a pair of shoes when I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I call. The door opens to reveal Firestar, Jack, and Nico. I can understand Nico and Firestar being here, but why Jack? The other two are like the leader and deputy, but Jack isn't that high up his he? I thought Percy was higher than Jack. "How are you, Elsa? I see your well enough to get dressed." Nico says to me. "I'm fine, but I have a few questions." "Ask away."
"Well for starters, what happened to my sister?" I ask.
"She is safe at your house." Nico replies.
Ok but, "Will I ever see her again?"
"You are a minor, meaning your wings are small enough to the point that you could fold them up in a loose shirt and nobody would notice. You could go to school as normal if you really wanted to." Firestar told me. "Just don't show anyone. Nico knows what could happen from personal experience."
I nod and look at Jack. "Why is he here?" I ask. " I am here to teach you how to use your powers. I just happen to have the same ice powers as you do. That and this is my room, so yeah." Jack replies importantly.
"When are we going to start? And I just want to say goodbye to Anna I don't necessarily want to stay there." I ask Jack. "Right now." He says grabbing my are and running outside. "Can we fly or would you rather walk?" I'm surprised he gave me a choice. I thought he would have just taken of through the sky and dragged me with him. "Let's fly, but can we go slow?" He nods yes. We spread our wings and take off. He is still holding my hand as we fly through the sky. We land in a clearing. "Ok, I'm gonna show you some stuff then your gonna try it, K?" I nod. "You have to build up your energy in one spot, I use my staff." He continues walking over to the side and pulling out a shepherds hook thing. He so ps it on the ground and frost starts to form around him. I can feel my eyes widen in shock. I have the power to do that? "Where do I channel my energy?" I ask. Jack looks at me curiously, like the answer was obvious.
"Just channel it where it feels right, like your heart or your hands. Well actually you need to channel it to your heart first so practice that." I stood In The middle of the clearing focusing my energy and directing it to my heart. "What next?" I ask the white haired boy standing next to me. "Try to channel it through your fingers and out of your body." He tells me.
I put my hands out in front of me, and try to channel all my energy through them. I feel something cold and opened my eyes that I hadn't realized I'd closed. There was snow and ice on the tree directly in front of me.


Hey guys, I would have kept going but I have writers block at the moment. I forgot to ask it in the last chapter but what did you think of Firestar. I'm currently trying to draw what i am imagining he looks like in this story. The drawing probably sucks, but your free to try and do better if you want to you can pm me the pic and I'll put in a chapter or my art book. Or both.
Ooh idea lets turn it into a contest. Private message me the drawings and I judge them. Winner gets in this book, second place is in my art book.
Your time starts NOW *gun shot goes off*

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