45: Family

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Your POV:

        "You should tell me about Camila," Ashley said as she took a bite of her burger. We were at McDonald's because Ashley wanted me to leave the house instead of watching all day.

"She's perfect," I said as I twirled my straw in my drink. "But nobody is perfect!!!" She sang. I rolled my eyes at her.

"There could be an exception for this one,Ash. She's my everything."

"Damn. Someone is in love," she mumbled and took another bite of her burger. "Me? Psh no," I looked down blushing. "Mhm sure," she smirked.


"Oh there goes your phone. Will you ever get a break from your girlfriend?" She said sarcastically. "Whatever. I'm gonna text her," I took out my phone.

My Baby❤️: Y/NNNN


My Baby❤️: I'm on my way to see my familia!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH

Me: Awww! Yay! I'm glad to hear that babe!!!

My Baby❤️: I can't wait to introduce you to Sofia. OMG she'll love you

Me: I've seen her on your social media. She looks soooo adorable just like you

My Baby❤️: She is. She's amazing.

My Baby❤️: Anyway, I'm gonna tell my parents about you if that's fine

Me: Oh wow. Whatever is fine with you babe. If it's okay with you then it's okay with me

My Baby❤️: Well I'll tell them about us then :)

Me: Okay :)

My Baby❤️: Baby?

Me: Yes?

My Baby❤️: I love you

Me: I love you too

My Baby❤️: How much?

Me: How much what?

My Baby❤️: How much do you love me?

Me: A lot. The number is too big that it doesn't exist.

My Baby❤️: I wuv you

Me: I wuv you too

My Baby❤️: You are my wittle baby

Me: I am your little baby

My Baby❤️: You will always be mine

Me: Possessive much?

My Baby❤️: :(

Me: Just kidding. You are mine and I am yours. Now stop you hopeless romantic

My Baby❤️: :) Oki

Me: Aw you cutie

My Baby❤️: Can I ask you a question?

Me: Of course

My Baby❤️: What happened to your family?

My breath hitched.

Me: Why do you wanna know?

My Baby❤️: Curious me just wants to know

Me: I don't know where to start

My Baby❤️: Take your time baby

I inhaled and exhaled quietly.

Me: Well I have mymom,dad,and an older sister

My Baby❤️: You have an older sister!!? I didn't know that!!!

Me: Yeah. Well when I was 15 I came out to them that I was bisexual. They didn't accept me except for my older sister.

My Baby❤️: Oh my gosh. What happened after that

Me: They kicked me out and my sister couldn't do anything bc she was scared to get kicked out too. My best friend, Ashley, her parents took me in. I was very thankful

My Baby❤️: Fuck. I'm sorry baby

Me: It's okay. You couldn't do anything

My Baby❤️: I wish I was there with you rn so I can comfort you

Me: It's fine Cami

My Baby❤️: Where's your family now if you don't mind me asking

Me: idk tbh. They moved or something. I haven't seen them since

My Baby❤️: I wanna kick their ass now

My Baby❤️: Well except your sister. What's your sister's name btw?

Me: Faith

Me: Camila?

Me: You there?


My Baby❤️: Faith?

Me: Yeah. Beautiful name right?

My Baby❤️: Yeah it is

Me: Sometimes I miss her but sometimes I don't, because she never tried helping me

My Baby❤️: What would you do if you saw her again

Me: idk. Hug her probably

My Baby❤️: Oh alrighty

Me: I have to go now. Ashley is annoying me

My Baby❤️: Aw okay. Thanks for telling me about your family. You're my brave little soldier

Me: I love you Camila

My Baby❤️: I love you too A LOT


I have like 6 drafts ready 😂 oh geez

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