Her Mind

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Robin, Regina and everyone else walked towards the entrance of Regina's vault, the sunny day greeted them. Suddenly Regina remembered something, "How did you get into the vault? I know I sealed it with light magic". Regina looked directly at Emma, she knew that the blonde knew, most likely because she had taken it out.

"Yeah, I took it down with my magic. I had trouble doing it but eventually I did" the blonde smiled.

'Well, it's good to know that Emma can take my magic down, but it is unnerving altogether' thought Regina, her pride slightly dented because Emma might be more powerful than her 'It's probable tat it is just her white magic that is stronger than mine... It must be because I have the... darkness' her train of thought stopped there when she noticed that Emma was talking to her. "Excuse me, what?" asked Regina. Robin and Emma looked at her worriedly, Mary Margaret and David just looked at her, confused.

"Are you alright?" asked Robin, his beautiful voice laced with concern. Concern for her.

"Oh! Yes, I am alright. Don't worry" Regina sent a smile his way and her hand grabbed his and gave it a squeeze. Robin squeezed her hand back and looped his arm around her waist yet again, he pressed a small living kiss on the side of her forehead.

"Are you ready to go back to your house or do you want to do something else?" asked Emma. Regina pondered on it for a moment before she decided to go back to the mansion, 'Too much action for today' she had said. Emma simply nodded and opened the door of her yellow bug, the blonde smiled awkwardly "I guess you'd prefer to come with me in the bug instead of with my parents!" she joked. Regina looked around and saw Mary Margaret and David going towards the sheriff squad car.

"I would much rather go with you in that tin can of death you call car" Regina said with her usual sarcasm. Robin smiled with fondness at his soulmate's witty remark on Emma's car. In turn, it made Emma smile, she had missed Regina's and her banter, the brunette's quick replies and everything.

Regina and Robin climbed in the back seat of Emma's yellow car with Emma as the driver. "I'm picking Henry and Roland after I get you home and dropping them by right after, is that okay?" asked the Savior. Robin felt Regina stiffen beside him, "I think that I would feel better if they stayed with you tonight" Regina looked at the archer for confirmation, or was it support? Perhaps something else.

Robin gave her waist a gentle squeeze and smiled at Regina, letting her know that it was alright. 'I don't know what I would do if I managed to hurt either Henry or Roland', little did Regina know that Emma was having similar thoughts 'She doesn't want to risk hurting the kids...'.  Robin decided t cut in, "I agree, I insist that you certainly need rest after today" he smiled adoringly at the brunette that held his heart. The former queen rested her head against the archer's shoulder and inhaled. His smell was always the same, it never changed. He smelled of forest, a smell that you can't confuse. The smell of trees, earth, and bugs. Even though the last part didn't appeal to Regina in any way. 

'Sorry I'm late' she heard the Queen's voice inside her head, again. She could also hear her sadistic smile, even though Regina couldn't see her, it was as if she could sense the smile, that smile that made people's hairs stand on end. The same smile she once wore on her face.

'What do you want?' asked Regina to her former self, her fists tightening.

'I just want to destroy you!'

Hey guys! New chapter again! Should I keep writing the story or are you bored? I know this not what most of you were expecting but it's what I came up with...
Let me know if you have anything to tell me :)

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