Facetime call | Johnson

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y/n POV:

I was sitting on the couch after school looking on Twitter.

When I saw Jack Johnson, the famous rapper, was doing a #FacetimemeJohnson so I spammed him with my number in his dms.

After awhile of no sign of a call from anyone I got off Twitter and went in the kitchen to find something to eat.

I grabbed some raspberries and sat at the counter eating them and waiting for a call from Jack Johnson.

About 10 minutes later my phone started ringing, it was a FaceTime call from an unknown number so I clicked answer hoping it would be Jack. I covered up the camera with my finger just incase.

"Um hello? Is this @.johnsonsbabyygirl?" The person on the phone asked, his voice didn't sound like Jacks.

"Uh yes." I whispered nervously.

"Hey! It's Jack." He said.

"Uncover your camera." I said sternly.

He did as told and gave me the biggest smile. So I took my thumb off the camera and smiled back.

"Your really pretty," Jack smirked.

"Thanks." I starting blushing really hard.

"Anytime," He said, "Tell me about yourself."

"Well, I like volleyball and basketball and singing and dancing." I said.

"That's cool. I'm a big basketball fan as well." He told me.

"I know." I grinned.

"True fan right there!" Jack shouted. "So where you from?"

"Nevada" I said.

"Where in Nevada?" He asked.

"Vegas." I smiled.

"That's so cool. We've only ever performed there once." Jack said. "Your like a few hours from LA so that's a plus, you can see me if you ever drive up here."

"I have before, I love it up there." I said, I can't stop smiling.

"Yeah, it's great." He said. "If you ever come up to LA hit me up."

"I shall." I smirked.

"You better" he grinned evilly.

I laughed. "Your so funny, and cute."

"Thank you, and you are too, if I do say so myself." Jack said simply.

"Your too sweet."

We hung up. So I saved Jacks number in my phone and he said he would too so we can text a lot. He puts 'no caller ID' when he calls fans but he gave me his number.

I really hope I get to go to LA soon.








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