The Hype Is Real

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"Holy. Fucking. Shitza" Friday said.

"This is fo real ma nigga" Nitro said.

"You think we up for this?" Friday asked.

"I don't know man, but Mike chose us for such a risky operation. I feel like the guy knows what he's doing" Nitro answered.

"Haha your making it sound like we're going to operate on someone" Friday laughed.

"Haha yea... well dude you heard Mike. Lets go over the plan a bit" Nitro said.

"Ight bro" Friday said as they get up and walk over to the blueprint Mike left layed out.

"Okey dokey. First I "convince" the clerk to take me to the vault then I knock him out cold with the gun. After that I start hauling money into the sacks" Nitro said.

"While you do that I plant the bombs on these five locations then quickly put on my mask and detonate them" Friday said.

"Don't forget to play dead" Nitro added.

"Haha yea" Friday said.

"Ok, after I hear the explosions, I'll finish up filling the sacks then I'll go into the lobby and get our ass's out of there" Nitro said.

"Then we haul ass to pffffft the-the pffft the honda civic pfffttt hahahahahah" Friday laughed.

"Pfffft hahahahaha oh my god dude I thought mike was joking at first but then I realized he was serious" Nitro laughed.

"Haha ok ok. Mike will drive us to a spot over a sewer hole" Friday said.

"We go through the car hole into the sewer" Nitro adds.

"Then we close the sewer cap shut" Friday finishes.

"Phew. Ok seems simple right?" Nitro asked.

"Yea but we better be super careful" Friday answered.

"You're right. Just because its a crappy bank in a crappy neighborhood doesn't mean this will be a walk in the park" Nitro said.

"Yea. Well we better get these blueprint cordinations memorized until the big day" Friday said.

"You're right, but first... A little mac rematch" Nitro said.

"Haha you're on" Friday said as they we're getting everything ready to have a good game of smash.

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