Chapter 1

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Erica's point of view.

I can still remember the look on Taylor's face the first time I had stolen his cookie off him. We were 3, sitting on a sandpit in the middle of central Park. Our mothers sat close by talking idly about... well things a 3 year old doesn't care about. All I had cared about that day was that chocolate and strawberry cookie Taylor was tightly holding onto with his little hands. The second I had grabbed it out of his hands a look of shock spread over his face. His bottom lip quivered as he stretched out his hand toward the cookie that I was already chewing on. After that he had cried bloody murder for an hour, but I didn't care, I was 3 and I had gotten my cookie.

I remember that face so clearly to this day. Probably because Taylor did it whenever he wasn't getting his own way. He was doing it right at this very moment in time actually, his bottom lip quivering, eyebrows raised with puppy dog eyes even a heartless person would double back at. His hands clutched my leg as he fell to his nee on the floor. " please Erica" he wailed. Making my face heat up in embarrassment as people walked by and on looked the situation, oh did I mention we were in the middle of a crowded shopping mall.
"Fine" I hissed embarrassed "just get up off the floor Taylor!" I rolled my eyes at him as he gave me his goofy 'I win' smile. "You're a lifesaver" Taylor grinned picking me up and spinning me around in a circle. "I'm doing this for you, not for her" I warned him as he placed me back on my feet. "Well I appreciate it either way" Taylor smiled sincere, "what would I do with without my little cookie monster" he laughed as I pouted and slapped his arm lightly. "You wouldn't be able to survive that's what!" I shook my head at him as I started walking away. At least I was still his coolie monster even as much as I hated that nickname.

Taylor jogged up beside me catching up to me as he put his arm around my shoulder. "Becca's gonna love it, I just know it" he grinned down at me his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yeah well, she better!" I frowned. Taylor knew I hated his girlfriend. And I know what you're thinking! It wasn't because I was upset and alone now that Jake had left, No. Well maybe a little to do with that, or the fact that Becca was his 8th girlfriend, it was also the fact that Becca was a bitch. A mean bitch. Scratch that, she was the Queen of bitches. And I had just agreed to help plan her surprise 17th birthday party.
What can I say, I was a sucker to Taylor's charm.

We had just made it back to Taylor's house, and as we were getting out of the car Taylor's mum was struggling with her grocery bags. I ran up to her just as a bag had slipped from her over full arms, I caught it just before it it the floor. "Here Nina, let me help with those" I said as I took another grocery bag from her grasp. She smiled gratefully "thank you Erica love."

Taylor had grabbed the rest of the bags from the car as we made our way inside. We had just made our way into the kitchen when we heard a commotion in the hallway. "Hey Taylor, come on" I heard someone say. Hey wait a minute, that voice... I knew it well. The voice that kept me awake at night. The voice I hadn't heard for 6 months. It was Jake. And just as I had turned around, two people had stumbled into the kitchen after one another, laughter filling the air. And there he was stood in front of me grinning hugely. It felt so surreal, I had been dreaming about this moment ever since he had left. As If it was even possible he had gotten more good looking, he was seriously tanned, his golden hair was straight of a commercial and his green eyes sparkled as he smiled. I hadn't noticed the bag that must of slipped from my fingers until I heard his voice. "Hey are you okay?" He was waving his hand in front of my face now. I blinked at him coming back to reality. "Yeah sorry, I was just thinking about my college applications. I must of just zoned out" I lied smoothly as I bent down to start picking up the spilled contents of the bag. Jake's hands appeared in my line of sight as he began helping. He looked around the room, and I watched his line of sight as they landed on Taylor and his mum laughing to each other and putting away grocerys. They were out of earshot from us. Jake smiled as he looked back at me making my heart melt, that smile was just for me. I couldn't help but smile back. "Hey Erica" he whispered looking just at me, no one else.
All of our late night conversations texting each other rushed back to me. All of our secret messages of how our lives were going, of how he had broke up with his girlfriend Jenna (Now that was my favourite one) of how he said he missed the way I smiled and that he couldn't wait to get home. The last text I received was other a month ago so you can see my surprise with him now being knelt in front of me chuckling at my shocked expression.

We had cleared up the grocerys, and Jake had helped me to my feet. Soon after I had mad an excuse that I had to go study for an exam I had the next day, it wasn't a lie, I actually did of a test tomorrow. Except I had no reason to study I had a straight A record in every subject. It was a lame excuse to get some air, to be able to breath again. I felt like I was suffocating, all of my feelings for Jake had rushed back all at once. I was madly in love with my best friends brother.

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