Third letter back.

55 7 1

dear you,

hey, hey!

it's okay! (although drinking is bad.)

i shouldn't be talking about how things are bad, i smoke.

off topic, but oh well.

also, i'm sorry that you've been so sad, is there anything I can do to help you out?

i mean- you can ask for advice, and i can give it to you..

i'm gonna try and lighten your spirits a bit, so here you go~

(picture at the top/beginning)

now you own a picture of me; Frank Anthony Iero.

(please don't tell anyone my middle name, oh jeez.)

alright, i'm getting evil looks from ms. bly, so i have to go.

until next letter, 'xoxo g',


||a/n|| Don't say anything about the picture, please. All I pretty much did for it was google "frank iero selfies" and bam that one came up so :^))) anD YEAH I UPDATED AGAIN HALLELUJAH. okie, love you guys, and until next update :))) ❤️

(((Good Vibes))) -K

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