¢нαρтєя 11

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¢σρуяιgнт © 2015 Margareth Valley
All Rights Reserved

"The thing that is more dangerous than love, is the outcome of it."

¢нαρтєя 11

I stare in utter awe, had he really ask me to leave him alone? Scoffing I replied, "If you hadn't notice, I'm not the one showing up in your house naked." I gestured to his barely clothed body. Ignoring the heat emitting from my face.

He runs his fingers through his hair, while tightening my loose sweatshirt around his waist. "Trust me on this. When you see me, run the opposite direction."

I didn't understand at the moment.

"Okay... Why exactly?" I asked.

He sighs once more, "Just trust me." He trails over to the front door, glancing once more at me. And leaving, did I mention he took my sweatshirt too?

How do I trust someone like you, Avan? How?


Avan scolds himself, why did I have to tell her to run away from me? His wolf growled unsatisfied.

Avan runs through the back not wanting anybody to question why he was naked, shifting into his wolf. He grabs the sweatshirt in his mouth, the only thing he had left of his mate.

He runs as fast as he can, pumping his four legs faster than ever. Right now, just at this moment, he wanted to outrun reality.

Who knew reality was this fast?

Avan needed to get away, out of everyone's life. But being an Alpha of a pack, was a responsibility he couldn't throw away. He wanted his Luna, his mate, his everything. But what he wanted, couldn't always be given to him. After moments in deep thought, during his run Avan slows his run into a slow jog.

Arriving at a beautiful lake, no signs of anything living within miles. Other than nature itself, there was no bigger animals that would bother him here.

Here he felt at peace.

Leah didn't understand yet. Leah didn't know yet, but when she did she would run as fast as her human legs can carry. That's why, she will never find out.

I can't let her find out.

When the werewolf kind was safe from Peter Merster, then he could give his beautiful Leah everything she could ever desire.

But for now, he would disappear without a trace from her life.


Staring lifeless at the door Avan had just exited from, I rethink my thoughts.

Oh god, how it hurts.

The worst thing about it is, I don't even know why.

Biting nails, I walk towards the door. I wanted to follow. Taking my chances I fast walk slamming open the wooden door.

I, at least needed to know why he was in my house, naked.

Quickly realizing that he had suddenly disappear from my doorstep, I was given the chills. No man can run that fast, maybe he was hiding. Maybe he hitch hiked. Glancing at the empty street in front of me, no way no sane person would let a almost naked man in their car without calling the police.

Closing my eyes for a period of time, I go back inside bothered by the harsh cool winds.

Winter was coming.

God knows mother nature don't take pity to others.

Several weeks passed, no signs whatsoever from Avan. Adeline returned to ignoring me, and well no one else bothered to stop by and say hi.

But what got me worried the most was Aiden. He lied. He wasn't back yet. Not last week, not the week before, it was eating me up alive. I was terrified. Did he happen to get murdered? Shot at? In a car accident? Worry seeped passed me as I continuously pace in my living room. Deciding to not be kept holed up in my apartment, I grab some sunglasses, along with my essentials. Phone, wallet, and purse. Walking out of the apartment, I made it my mission to have fun today.

I start my journey with a relaxing stroll around my neighborhood, not really relaxing when teenagers who called themselves 'thugs' decided to harass me.

One came up to me rubbing his imaginary mustache, "Hey honey, you look like you need some fun." He says, obviously implying my worst nightmare. Becoming tainted... Ignoring him I continue to walk, maybe even speeding up.

A low whistle was heard, before the sound of laughter. "Wait up, baby!" The same man calls, I decided to run instead. Running passed the nearly abandoned neighborhood, I manage to loose them, while hiding in an alley or two.

The world was a dangerous place.

I think probably the most dangerous thing to exist was love.

Leaning my back against the cool surface of the brick, relaxing onto the structure which supported me, I didn't bother to take notice in the little kitten whom curled up against my legs.

How cute!

I pick it up, sheltering it from the brutal breezes of upcoming Winter. "Hello, cutie.' I whisper quietly, cradling it in my arms.

I concluded it was probably best if I warmed it up from the comfort of my house, rather than my own body heat. Rushing through the neighborhood from before, however making sure I cover my face. Arriving at my apartment complex, I assure the cute kitten it would be safe soon.

What was with me and taking care of animals?

I just hope it wouldn't disappear like the dog from several weeks ago.

Strangely enough, the dog seemed to disappear at the same moment Avan appeared.


What seemed forever ago, happened only a couple weeks back. Avan frustratedly downs the vodka before him, he was finding release in alcohol. Not being able to forget about his sweet little angel, he pours another cup of vodka mixing it with a few drops of whiskey.

I needed to see her.

But he just couldn't.

Now he knew, I loved her.

But if I loved her, I'd let her go.

* * * * *
How is everybody?

Margareth V

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