¢нαρтєя 14

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¢σρуяιgнт © 2015 Margareth Valley
All Rights Reserved

¢нαρтєя 14

Just keep driving.

Don't look back.

I breathe calmly, steering away from the Costarelli property. I remember Peter's words, as they replay in my head.

"Werewolves are like regular wolves. They play mind games with their prey. And when their prey, thinks it's finally safe, they pounce."

When I was younger I never understood what Peter said, I only thought he was loony and that I should stay away from him. But he was right. About everything.

Avan did like to play mind games, at the bar he lured me by playing hero, giving me a drink and intoxicating me. And just like now he pushes me away, changes his mind for the briefest second and decides he doesn't want me far away.

Well not it isn't your decision, Avan.

My mind flicker towards Aiden, as I speed above the speed limit. Was he okay? He hadn't bother to contact me in over three weeks. My angst basically eating me up alive, he promised me two weeks.

Where was he?

My mind couldn't help but think about Avan once more, never once had he wondered from my mind. Instead it's as if his imaginary self was prying into the deepest part of my thoughts.

He even managed to get me to feel sparks when we touched. He managed to get me weak I'm my knees with a kiss.

It was scary.

And that was why I had to avoid him at all cost.

At least until I can get a hold of Peter Merster.


Avan blends in with the dark shadows of the forest, his wolf instincts wanted to call Leah his prey. However his human dude wanted to call her, his angel. Avan's furry self, runs in the woods trailing the car.

Trailing Leah's car.

He so eagerly wanted to release a howl, however deciding not too, concluding she might hear.

He needed to see he safe at home, then and only then would he finally be relaxed.

As relaxed as a wolf without his mate can be.


I awaken, my eyes felt heavy. And head thumped, and my heart clenched.

After arriving home last night I watched romantic movies until I got too fed up with them.

Real life doesn't work like that.

It never does.

I remove the empty bowl of popcorn dumping the remains down the trash. All last night I felt as if I was being watched, but this morning it was safe to say that feeling was gone.

I pick up my phone debating on whether if I should phone, Aiden or not. Deciding I should at least try to make contact with him, I dialed his number putting it on speaker, not expecting it to be answered.


I nearly choke, he answered. "Aiden!" I screamed surprised. I hear his chuckle, "well howdy to you."

"Where have you been?" I questioned angrily.

He had some explaining to do.

"Look babe, sorry I was busy."

I didn't like the way he said it, "I've been thinking, Leah. I want to ask you something over dinner." He adds.

"But next week I'm still in the Caribbean." He plainly says.

"B-but you said you'd be back by the last two weeks ago!" I cried.

He shushes me, "I know, and baby may I just say I am sorry! My dad and I- I mean my friend and I are just wrapping up our stay here." He nervously cover up

My ears perked, "Your dad? Let me talk to him." I demand, I needed to tell Peter about Avan.

Aiden scoffed, "No Leah, I really mess up, dad isn't with me, just my friend." His voice sounding truthful. But I knew better.

He was hiding something from me.

When does he not?

I sigh, "Well I-.."

"I gotta go, love you!" He says quickly as I hear a shout, and the line goes dead.

"Well I love you too." I mutter, slamming my phone shut.

Go to the freezer pulling out a Ben&Jerry ice cream tub, grabbing a spoon.

Girl's night alone round two.


He itched to be free.

Avan knew his wolf didn't like how he's been in his human form for the past two days, but he had to return to the penthouse whether he liked it or not.

He had to look for another suitable mate.

However no one would match Leah.

She was perfect, as Avan sees it. If only he knew how much scars his mate held. He stiffly eats his steak as the girl sitting across from him kept blabbering.

"And did you know what Elina said?" She continues talking.

His Leah wasn't always this talkative.

Avan numbly glares at the girl, "Shut up." He bluntly says, "Maybe if you'd just shut up then you could snag a guy." He rudely states, before standing up abruptly leaving her in the middle of their date.

Like he said, nobody would match up to Leah.

He needed to see her.

Call him a hypocrite, but he just knew he had to see her.

He had to taste her lips one last time.


I bite my lips as the part where Jamie told Landon she was dying, tearing up a bit.

Who knew a movie was all it took for girl to cry?

Definitely the makers of "A Walk To Remember".

An annoying chime of my doorbell brings me out of my crying session. I, irritatingly put down the empty box of ice cream and trudge to the front door.

Slamming it open I was met with a sudden content look of a familiar person.

* * * * *

I'd like to take a moment to appreciate my voters and commenters :). Sorry if I didn't reply, I probably haven't seen it. I'm literally tearing up, because most of my commenters make me laugh or just make my whole day brighter.

Keep at it, as I will continue to write my butt off.

This chapter is dedicated to you guys!

My Goals:
95 Votes

-Margareth Valley

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