Sadness Takes Over

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***i don't own this video! Credits to them! Credits to them...***

~ Ann ~

I can't believe I said that to him.....

Masato is over by Tokiya and Ai. I can't even meet his eyes....every once in a while I see Camus smiling at me which is quite rare to see but I really did like his smile.....

I stare over at Abby who was trying to write down a song or pick a song.....

But, Ren was glancing at her with these vibes that I couldn't even handle like imagine yourself trying to do homework then you see your crush or someone you like just glancing at you and smiling at you and every so often they wink at you?

I smile at the thought. But....I don't really have a liking to Ren maybe just a little because he's really charming and can make every girl smile.....for some odd reason I just don't like him.....he's too perfect.....I don't think that made sense...

"AnnChan?" Cecil calls me

I turn my attention to him as he grabs my hand into his. His hands are soft.....

"Your voice has been heard by the muses..." Cecil says looking up at me with such kind eyes

"T-they did?" I stutter

Cecil smiles.

"Will you become my princess?" He asks

~ Abby ~

I saw Cecil holding Anns hand as he was about to kiss her knuckles but in that moment Camus pulled Ann away from Cecil.....

I saw Masato sit back down in his seat.....

"You have been on my mind, my lady" Ren says out of the blue and I glance at him

He winks at me.....I quickly look away and try to think of a song

"In my were so----"

"Don't talk about your weird dreams, Jinguji" Masato says before Ren continues his sentence

I chuckle as I saw Ren sigh in defeat.

~ Ann ~

Camus kind of dragged me away from CecilSan.....he made me sit beside him

"CamusSenpai.....are you alright?" I ask nervously trying to stay calm and forgetting the fact that he just pulled me away from someone

"Don't stare at me, peasant" he says coldly

I look away and stared at my feet.....why does Camus have to be so cold?

~ Abby ~

"Yes! I got it!!" I say aloud

Realizing I just attracted everyone's attention....

"Good luck, AbAbChan!!" Reiji says loudly

I sigh. I look over at Ann who was awkwardly sitting beside Camus.

~ Ann ~

Abby did a vibe of come here....I wanted to chuckle but I didn't.

"E-excuse me" I say before getting up to see Abby

He just turns a page of the book and takes a sip of his really sweetened tea...

I bite my lower lip and went to go see Abby.

~ Abby ~

I grab Anns hand and dragged her towards the corner of the room.

"N-Nani?" Ann says quietly

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