Chapter Two

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Chapter two:

I lay on something cold, my breathing is steady, and I feel something warm breathing on my skin. I slowly open my eyes, and gasp.

            “Bibbie,” I muttered, touching her head. “You scared me,” I whispered. I sat up looking around, and saw I was still by the river, and the cave. I looked around creasing my forehead. “Zicheo?” I called out. I looked over at the cave, and saw Zicheo’s bag dropped before the opening. I bit my lip standing up, and made my way closer to the cave.

            Every step I took, as I would get closer to the cave, my legs would feel even heavier, like someone was trying to hold me back, my hands becoming shaky. I stood outside the cave, peering inside, remembering last time I was in there. I was starting to feel sick. I sucked in a deep breath, “Z-Zicheo!” I called out again. I stood there, and I heard a cry come from inside, it was Lilly. “ Lilly!” I yelled into the cave.

“ Ava! Ava help me! I’m stuck!” I heard her cry. I started pacing back and forward.

“ Were is Ryan and Zicheo?” I yelled.

“ I don’t know, please Ava, it hurts,” She cried. I closed my eyes, and bolted into the cave. my breathing was hard, and I was starting to panic. I stopped leaning against a cold wall.

“ L-Lilly, say something,” I muttered.

“ I’m over here,” She called out. I looked to were I heard her voice. it was dark in here I couldnt hear anything.

“ Keep talking love,” I said, and so she did. I continued to walk towards her voice.”Lilly love, can you do anything to help me find you?”

“ My hands are caught, I would have used my powers, but I cant,” She whimpered.

“ it’s okay,” I whispered. I kept walking, and felt my foot hit something, and I jumped back shaking my head. “ Lilly, make some noise,” I muttered. She started whisteling, and I saw light shining, and saw her red hair. “ I see you love,” I said, and jogged by her. She must have fallen, and landed between the rocks.

“ get me out Ava, please,” She cried. I saw blood by her arms from the pressure the rocks were having on them. I tried to move one of the rocks, they were huge. there was no way.

“ Zicheo and ryan, they are gone?” I asked.

“ I left Ryan, he went to go look at the canyon on the other side of the river, I told him I was going to adventure out,” She whimpered. I continued to pull against the rock, but it was no use. I let out a sigh, and eased off of it. I heard something shuffling behind me, and I turned around quickly my breathing fast.

“ Ava! What is that?”

“ nothing,” I muttered looking into the darkness.  I saw something. Someone was there. “Lilly, wait a minute okay, I’m not leaving, I just have to check something out.” I said.

“ Okay, please don’t be long.”

“ I wont,” I said walking away. As I walked towards the figure it moved away and started to go through the rocks. I followed it breaking out into a jog, following it. Loops through the rocks, and ducked under a crease, and than right into it. I fell back, looking up at it. My breath cached. A goblin. It was a male, tall, horrible looking. Petrifying. A deep growl came from the back of its throat, and I inched back.

“ Why are you here,” his voice was deep.

“ My...” I couldnt come up with the words. “ My friend is stuck in the rocks, I cant get her out,” I whispered.

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